Aftermath of the Simulation

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A/N~ Go read My Wattpad Love. Just do it. Best. Book. Ever. Okay, last question of the chapter thing, yes I know I misspelled Elgort, but oh well. Lol. Anyways, Theo won! Yay! Btw- I'm skipping the simulation, we all know Tris's fears. They are:
The glass box
Drowning/ocean thing (pg.387 of Divergent)
Burned at the stake
Losing her family

Chapter 25-
I open my eyes. The white light above my head temporarily blinds me. I wipe a bead of sweat off of my temple and face Tobias. I hope he didn't see my fear of intimacy. Of course he saw it, Idiot! He's running the simulation. It's not that I'm afraid of intimacy, just not being in control. My face heats up and he just stares at me.
"What?" I finally ask.
He gives me a small laugh and walks towards the door. As I'm exiting, Tobias whispers to me,
"I hope I don't scare you too much."
I punch him in the arm and say,
"Oh, come on! There has to be somebody who is scared of something else!"
"Actually, Christina is scared of moths." As soon as he realizes what he said, he shoots his hand over his mouth. I bust out laughing. Christina walks by us, and by now I'm rolling on the floor.
"You told her didn't you!" She shouts. Tobias takes off running quickly chased by Christina. I compose myself and get a drink of water at a nearby water fountain. I walk back to the main gym and am greeted by a few of my friends. I stand on my tiptoes to see over the small crowd of people and see Tobias and Christina sitting on a small bench. Christina has a triumphant look on her face. Oh no. What did she do? I walk over an ask,
"What happened to you, Four?"
He simply points to his neck and I gasp as I see his throat is super red and swollen. I look at Christina in shock.
"What? Will taught me how to throat chop like a ninja!" She says while doing a karate move.
I laugh and get quiet when Amar begins talking,
"Initiates! I'm looking over your scores for gun shooting, and they are absolutely terrible! Therefore, when we aren't doing simulations, we'll be practicing shooting targets. Four assisted me in choosing each of your partners. They are as follows-

And a few other names I don't really recognize. I glance over at Chelsea and see her beaming. She told me last week she has a crush on Michael. I wonder if the feeling is mutual. I look towards Michael, who is walking towards Chelsea. He is smiling from ear to ear. I quickly know the answer to my question. I smile at the thought. Christina runs up to me and I ask,
"Hey, don't you think Chelsea and Michael would make a good couple? She told me she liked him last week."
"Really," Christina shouts. "Michael told Will he liked her and Will told me! I have to do something!"
She runs toward them and begins talking. Poor kids. Why did I have to say anything? I begin paying attention again and Michael and Chelsea start blushing. What the heck did Christina just say?! My thoughts are interrupted by Tobias telling the group to begin practicing our aim. In fifteen minutes, only 6 of the targets have the middle torn out, and that mine and Christina's, Uriah and Marlene's, Shauna and Lynn's, Zeke and Will's, and Michael and Chelsea's. Chelsea actually has a pretty good aim. She has long blonde hair, which is up in a messy bun at the moment. She is really short, like me, but she can pull it off. I on the other hand resemble a leprechaun. I look over at Peter's target. The white on the outside rim is barely visible. My brothers aim is better than his, and that's pretty bad. I laugh to myself and Christina looks at me like I'm crazy. I point to Peter's target and soon Christina has joined me in laughter. My laughter quickly halts when something hits my right shoulder. Whatever it was felt like fire and the impact knocked me to the ground. Black spots begin to trickle into the corner of my eyes by the second. I hear a scream- Christina. A person lifts me up and I instantly know what happened. I was shot. By who? No clue. Was is on purpose? I don't know. But I do promise myself one thing before the world goes black. Whoever did this will pay.

A/N~ Okay, I was wondering this... Do I have any guy readers? I wanna know. If any of y'all have read My WattPad Love then you know what I'm talking about😂 So, today in the hallway, this guy ran into me. He was really tall so he didn't see my face and he apologized. Then he looked down and saw it was me and was like "Never mind." Gee thanks! I laughed bc he shoved his glasses up and took off running and almost tripped.

QOTC~What are your fears? {or just one bc it's hard to think of all of them lol}

Mine is the fear of rejection
dun dun dun....


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