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"Go off and read the next volume of beginners elemental spells, I need a rest."

"But Master Ezlo, I want to actually learn magic!"

"Not now, my boy. It's much too dangerous."

"Then when can I learn?"

"You can learn once you're older."

"But why? All the kids at school tease me cause I'm an orphan and they think I look weird, but if I learn magic then they may not tease me anymore! They might even be my friends! Could you just teach me one spell? I'll be extra careful, I promise!"

"No, no... I'm sorry Vaati, but you're still too young. Maybe another time."

"Oh... Alright then, I'll just go read some more..."


Silence. Nothing but pure, empty silence. There was no rustling of leaves or the blowing of wind through the trees, not a creature made a sound nor did ocean waves crash upon a shoreline.

That was because none of these things were anywhere in sight. No, there was nothing at all but a plain white void that seemed to stretch on forever without an end. In the middle of the void of white was a single, lone figure laying curled up on the ground.

Battered and gravely injured was none other than the sorcerer Vaati. Blood was drying from his many wounds, and his cape and tunic were now in tatters. Once perfect lavender hair now fell in matted clumps over his eye, hair that was stained with the red color of his own blood. Across his cheek was a cut that ran from his temple to his chin, and there was another huge gash deep across his stomach. He had bruised arms and legs that hurt to move an inch, and his cap had gone crooked atop his head.

The only thing missing from his injuries he attained during his battle with the Links were the four stab marks that should have cut deep into his chest and into his heart. So Vaati was alive, no longer having the mark of the final, fateful attack, but still retaining all his other previous injuries. He was miraculously alive.

It is hard to say exactly how long he lay on the ground unconscious, but his wounds healed slowly, and when the pain had somewhat subsided he finally woke up. The feeling of hurt coming from his injuries was still there, but now it was slightly more bearable.

Vaati's eyes fluttered open in surprise and he looked around to try to figure out where he was, and more importantly, why he was still alive.

Wincing in pain he slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position, still not having the energy to stand. Taking in his blank surroundings, his mind went numb as he realize where he was.

No, not again he thought to himself. Please no, even death would have been better than this! Why here?

By the love of Din, Nayru and Farore... He was stuck in the dreaded four sword yet again. It was just like he remembered it was last time; blank, lifeless, and empty. Not to mention white, the goddesses favorite color that was used to represent purity. Oh, how they mocked him so, shoving in his face the fact that his own heart was tainted with evil.

Vaati didn't know what to do, and as he looked around himself in shock once more, he closed his eyes and began to cry. What did it matter anyways? No one would see him, as he was obviously alone. Sometimes even the strongest of all people break down once in a while.

Vaati's body shook with sobs and throbbed with pain from his wounds as he came upon the sad fact that there was no longer anything left for him. He had no way of escaping the seal of the four sword in his current state, and had nothing to do but wait around for at least a couple thousand years for someone to break the seal again. That, or he would just wait alone forever in the tantalizing emptiness of the four sword.

Legend of Zelda ~ Sealed AwayWhere stories live. Discover now