sailor talk

151 17 21


boats have no sense of direction.

that's why columbus (may he rest in fire) used a compass to steal. why all the european thieves managed to land on new planets and fuck up their orbits. do you really think armstrong found the moon without the help from a compass?

((wait he used a compass?) of course why wouldn't he? his brain was an empty box and he stuffed stolen corn into it. (i didn't learn that in school) please shut the fuck up for once god you talk all the time i'm trying to complete an investigation right now.)

back to the task at hand: i assume that you're trying to die because i saw you drinking out of the pacific ocean even though you have a whole pack of water (32 bottles to be exact). so, why? why are you trying to leave?

it could be because you gained a soul and your sidewalk has now been replaced by a mound (terrible analogy). but why did you gain a soul?

you feel a void and you can't tell whether it's physical hunger, or if it's because your friends ditched you and took a cruise to north korea without you (i hope everything blows) and that made you buy the devil's soul for two cents.

back to the task at hand: you could also be trying to die because you're so grey. no color. no scent. no corners. everything is round. it's like you're living inside of a ball. a grey ball. kids never play with grey balls. i doubt that's even an actual thing because no one likes limbo (you suck at that game).

look, here's the best solution: just plunge. dive. there's nothing there to fear. and it's obvious that you can't steer the boat, so you'll probably end up falling anyway. just do it now because it'll be a peaceful drown. fall in. it's just as soft as still as smooth as the sky. as love.

(goddamn! you would be such a shitty therapist!) this isn't what i was brought in for. i'm just advising you. just pushing you in. oh no! you actually did it.

boats can't swim. 

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