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I'm keep up with this one


Perrie was sitting next to a gate, holding only her wool blanket and glass mug with 13 dollars in worth of change in it.
She's been homeless for a year now.
So it was normal for pez. Two years ago Perrie refused to get surgery. Her mother hated the fact Perrie had a penis.
When Perrie refused to get it removed,she was kicked out.

Once now and then a stranger walking by would drop off a few coins or containers of food. So far this is the longest she'd been in a spot. She's been in the subway for 6 months. Her last spot was in a parking lot.

Though the people where generous, there was no space. Every time she went to sleep she risked being crushed by a car.

Perrie smiled shyly as a stranger dropped a coin into my mug. The people here weren't to nice though. There was this man. Boy did Perrie hate him. When she was asleep he would steal out of Her cup.

He was usually drunk but Perrie didnt seem to care. Once he took Perries last amount of food and ate it in front of her. She eventually got him back by warning people he was a wanted murderer.

Perrie his her cup under her blanket she was cuddled into. She leaned against the gate. Sucking in the cold air whilst shutting her eyes. When she opens them she saw a brunette staring at her.

Perrie didnt seem surprised. She was always stared at,laughed at. But this was different. She didn't see disgust or pity. She looked struck. Like she witnessed a car incident.

She finally came to her senses and looked away. It was obviously reluctantly. She was dressed in a tight silver dress. This made Perries cock twitch.

Her eyes scanned the brunette. She looked up at the brunette who had he back facing the blond. Perrie kept her eyes trained on the petite girls bum. While she waited for a bus.

Perrie laid her head back her eyes closing. The he'll was she doing the woman could catch her. Who knows what she would do.

She felt herself let go. She fell asleep.

The next morning Perrie walked to Nandos. Her friend leigh ann would wait for her. When she arrived leigh eagerly threw her arms around Perrie.

"Pez! Omg it's been so long!"
The older girl exclaimed.

"Its been a week." Perrie said bluntly.

Leigh rolled her eyes and handed Perrie a new set of clothes and jacket. Perrie took it and hugged leigh ann.

"I can't thank you enough."

"Yeah, yeah I know. Now hurry before my boss sees you." She whisper shouted the last part.

Leigh Ann couldent properly support Perrie. She was in college and needed the job herself. But she only worked on Sundays.

Perrie went to the bathroom and washed herself. The door was locked and she constantly heard knocking. After she was done she put on the fresh pair of blue jeans and baby blue button up. She zipped up her Adidas jacket and put her pumas back on.

She took one last look in the mirror. Her face was clean. She looked normal.

She took her old clothes and put her coat on. She opened the door and saw no other than the brunette. She was wearing glasses and a sweater. Well she was wearing pants but I wasent paying attention to those.

She was...perfect. Well maybe not perfect but exactly my type. Short, skinny, tan. Almost exactly what I dream of.

She cought herself staring when jade sneezed. 'What's wrong with me, there's no way I could be with her' she thought.
She quickly walked past her, looking at the floor. She sat in a booth waiting for leigh ann.
When she got to my booth she sat across from perrie not even looking at her.

"So um... Do you need anything else while I'm here? I have to go in a bit, my tutors here." leigh an says finally looking up at perrie. She looked sad.

"I'm sorry I can't stay-"

"Don't apologize for me!" Perrie interrupted leigh ann whisper shouting.

Leigh Ann looked down. She new Perrie didn't like pity. But again Perrie needed help.

"It's not your fault I was born a mistake."

"Perrie don't do that. I know and love you for who you are. Of it wasn't for you I would have never gotten this job. Or gone to collage." Leigh Ann said grabbing Perries hand from across the table.

It was true when they where in high school Perrie was Leighs tutor. She also got leigh in programs that helped her with her with her depression and social skills.

"Am I lying?"

Leigh Ann looked down again. She wish she could say no. But events leading up to now pointed at Perries mutation.

"Hey." perrie squeezes Leighs hand.

"At least I can pee outside." she said with a smile. Leigh Ann couldn't help but giggle.

"Can I have a container of Peri-peri?"
She asked softly with a pout on her face.

Leigh Ann rolled her eyes. Perrie have leigh half of what money she earned.

Minutes later leigh came back with a container. Perrie have leigh one last hug before leaving.

This was their routine every week. Leigh Ann would work on sunday and would bring Perrie a fresh set of clothes. Sometimes it was the same set but washed.

~~~~one month later~~~~

Perrie was walking back to her spot when she heard a scream. Perrie stopped walking and looked around the dark. There was only two streetlights where she was.

She heard it again but this time it continued. Not thinking she walked toward it clutching her mug.

She stoped as the screaming turned into sobbing and cries for help. Now Perries eyes where used to the dark. She saw a dark figure. A huge one. As she focused she saw struggling.

She got closer and closer until she was right behind it then she stopped. What she saw infuriated her. It was the man who had stolen from her. He was pinning someone to the ground sitting on top of him/her.

Perrie used her chance and smashed her mug against the mans head her remaining change dropping into the grass.He went limp and fell on whoever he pinned down. I pulled him off of the person and checked his pockets for any form of light.

She found his phone and turned on the light only to see a beaten up brunette.

WOOO! New story
Hope this one is better than all of 'em

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