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{ yeahhhhh I'm noooot gonna proofread ❤️}

Perries pov

A week later...

I looked at the clock on the wall, currently I was sitting in an office in the back of a Minnie mart. Jade and I came to the conclusion that I could make a few extra bucks at talent shows at the drag bar, but I still needed to find some sort of job to keep me occupied. I liked the idea, 

I wouldn't be out in the cold all day, 

I can afford some food and a decent enough hotel to sleep in,

I could be stable enough to actually live.

I didn't mind the graveyard shifts, ill take anything available. Jade has even helped me out with some things on my resume, the address bits and all anyways. I find myself smiling at the idea of getting my life together... just enough to make my parents proud of me.

Maybe Caitlyn will even forgive me.

My thoughts where interrupted as the office door swung open, a small scrawny man walked around his desk and sat down. Throughout the interview I found him to be more of an ass than I thought. With the help of jades mock interviews I was able to get through the entire thing without missing a beat.

David grunted 'I'll give you a call about Friday'  he stood up from his seat. I took this as a sign to leave and hurried my way out the store. With a wide smile on my face I walked to jades I couldn't wait to tell her about the interview. Maybe one day I could take her clubbing, I've heard she loves to dance. I slipped my hands into my coat pockets, maybe one day ill have her hand to warm mine. I wonder what it would be like

On my way to her home I found myself stopping at the driveway. Jeds car was there, digging my nails into my palm I started forward. He could be snagging her face off, or wrapping his arms around her while she makes them lunch. Probably planning their future together in the bath tub, or cuddling up together whispering sweet nothings to each other.

I build up enough courage to knock open the door with my freezing hands. I waited, maybe they're busy. I shouldn't have come, why should she bother with such a bum.

The door cracked open, I looked towards the door expectantly and was met with a pair of warm eyes.

Jade smiled and opened the door wide enough for me to see her, "hey pez" Stepped back gesturing for me to step inside, I did just that and fixed my eyes on her as she shut the door behind me. Jade smiled my way again and reached for my hand, guiding me to the living room. She then went into the kitchen.

I haven't seen Jed at all, I sat down on the very edge of the sofa and waited until she came back into view. She sat down across from me, a mug in hand and handed it to me. 

"What's this?" I looked down at the cup

She grinned " hot chocolate." I frowned, I couldn't just make myself comfortable here. Regardless of how much stability I'd gain I'd still feel out of place. 

" Jade.." she cut me off

" I've already made it, And its very cold out. I wouldn't want you to leave here without something warm in your tummy." I blushed at this. Well....she cares at least. And that thought alone made me feel warm.

"Alright, I'll drink it" I rolled my eyes in a playful manner, the tiny woman was as stubborn as could be. I came to the conclusion not to argue with her. From the corner of my eye I saw in the kitchen a shadow. Furrowing my eyebrows I tilted my head for a better view. 

Jade, noticing what I was looking at laughed lightly. " Jed's making lunch. We were gonna head out but that giant there," she pointed back towards him smiling " couldn't come up with a place." She sat up to the edge of the couch, the excitement in her eyes making my heart sink. I can't stand this feeling, I should be happy as long as she is. I feel like I've grown to think of myself an acceptable member of society. 

I heard Jed's deep laugh from the kitchen as he walked over to the counter. " don't listen to her perrie, you can't choose between Italian and Chinese it's just a brutal decision." He folded his arms in a bold pose that made him look taller if it makes sense. I curved my lips into a smile, it felt painful.

Jade was in giggling fits as she tried to draw up a conversation about which was better. I couldn't stop thinking about how that would be to experience. Deciding where to eat out with the love of your life. I envied Jed. 

"Oh! Babe." Jade turned away from me. 

" Pez got the job today." She smiled back at me, something swelled in my chest. A mix of hurt and pride.

"Oh did she?" Jed sounded genuinely surprised. Bastard.

" I guess that means you'll finally be able to live on your own, yeah?" I raised my eyebrows, what was he insinuating? 

" what do you mean?" The job alone plus the extra money I could make at the drag bar wouldn't be enough for me to be stable to live without guidance for a long shot. He leaned on the counter, his blue eyes boring into mine. "Well." I could physically feel the death glare jade was giving him.

"You will be able to be independent right? I mean you've been stressing jade out lately, she has her own job to tend to and she's wasting her days off to help you get on your feet. Haven't you the degree to do it yourself?" He paused. I could literally feel my body sink into the couch. I looked to jade sho had her eyes fixed on Jed. The guilt I felt couldn't cover the fact that he was right.

Jade took this time to speak up.

" You say it as if it's wrong for me to help my friend." He tone was harsh. Jed scoffed, "You've  barely known her a month. For all we know she could be stealing from the house while she's here." I clenched my hands. He had a right to be upset with me... Tears rushed to my eyes and I fought to keep them from spilling over. 

"Well she's been here more than you have. Three times the amount of times you pop in and out." Jed eyed her. 

"Are you really going to take up for that- that bum?" I felt as if I wasn't there anymore.

"Jed!" She stood up slamming her mug down on the table. 

" she is!"

I blurred out everything as I stood. I put the mug down and walked towards the door. No matter how harsh he is, it's the truth. I've to learn to do this on my own. Neither of them noticed me as I unlocked the door and stepped outside, closer the door behind me. I could still hear them yelling as I walked down to the library. 

I was going to prove Jed wrong. 

And make jade proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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