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Perrie stood over the grave, her fingertips tracing the smooth marble. she took in a shakey breath and gripped the edge of the grave. the memories making there ways to her head before she can shake them. flashbacks flashing behind her eyelids. tears slipping there way down her face. she was falling in a deeper whole of darkness. opening her eyes she looked at the name of the gravestone and traced the cursive.

Just like she would write it.

wiping her face she picked up the backpack she stole earlier and made her way down to the bus.

Jades pov

"im telling you jade, this woman dosent want to be bothered. Why dont you just let her be?" Jed took a sip of his coffee and shifted his eyes to me. "For all we know she could be a crack addict."

"Jed."my eyes widened. I've never heard him speak so ill about anyone. He leaned back. "Why are you doing this jade?"he scoffed "I know your selfless, but your not stupid. Shes a homeless stranger. What if she kills us in the middle of the night."

"Are you done?" I gave him a deathly glare. he sighs. "im sorry babe, im just worried for you. If you want me to ill stay home for another week." 

"Jed, Its not about you this is for her. She helped me that night.I cant help but feel like i owe her" Jed puts his phone down and opens his arms. I automatically scooted closer to him and he engulfed me into his arms, resting hes chin on my head. "your an amazing woman, even though your crazy." i pulled back and slapped his chest. he let out  deep laugh. 'im joking babe."

Just then there was a ding, I looked back at the door and there she was. she wore her same black hoodie and some Adidas sweat pants. she had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. I stood up from my booth and waved her over. i didnt even know i was smiling until i felt the strain in my face. she walked over to us and her gaze automatically went Jed. 

"oh this is Jed my boyfriend." Jed nodded at her and pulled his sunglasses higher. "please sit."

She hesitated for  moment and sat down across from us,and sat her backpack next to her

"would you like anything, if you'd like i could-" 

"I'm fine thank you."

"if you don't mind me asking but are you on any drugs?" Jed leaned forward.

Perrie gave him hard eye contact. For a moment i felt jed shiver. "No, I'm not on any drugs."

"i apologize for him, Hes a jackass." i glared at jed who sunk back in his seat.

"Everyone gets curious." 

She smiled a little and that made me smile. " So perrie where did you go to school?"

"Bridgedon community college" so she did go to collage.

"That's a nice school innit, So do you get around often?"

"Well yeah, Last week i went to the Sandhaven beach its nice there in the mornings." she smiled a bit more so i saw a little teeth. "God i remember the last time we went jed is a bit of an scary pants because of the old couple with the German Shepherd."

"In my defense the little bastard was chasing me." 

"You hid my biscuts in your back pocket."

By now all three of us were in giggling fits. We where there for thirty minutes tops until jed got a phone call.  I looked at him pleadingly. We were just having fun, and these calls are never good. He picked up the phone anyway"Hello....WHAT!" Everyone looked at us.

"Jed lower your voice." he put his finger up at me. "Well what about our break........I mean i guess." he checked his watch. ill be there tomorrow morning." he hung up his phone and started texting. " hey babe look. we have two shows this week, but loui forgot to tell us it is in Manchester." he looked up for a split second and his face fell when he saw my disappointment.

"babe"he reached for my face but i slapped his hand.

"You know what just go."I jumped out of my seat and let him out. he slowly got up and towered over me. "ill be back next week before you know it" he placed a kiss on my lips and walked away.

i slowly sat back down.

"I Heard shuffling but didn't look up she was probably leaving too. I wouldn't blame her. suddenly i felt warmth, comforting warmth. i looked to my side and saw perrie with an unreadable expression. she put her hand in mine and my breath hitched. She got up from the booth, backpack on her back. she tugged softly at my hand. I got up again. She led us out of the store and down the street. 

"where are we going" i asked as she headed toward some woods.

"you'll see." at this point i didnt care if we barely knew each other. I just wanted to go away. We've been walking for five minutes and i could see some light toward were were heading. when we reached it i saw a small pond. The mall area wasent covered by trees but surrounded by them. the sun rays that were let through by the lack of coverage added to the effect . 

"its beautiful." I looked around. she walked us over to a log and we sat down. we were silent until she broke the silence.

"i found this place about half a year ago." She ran her hands over the moss on the log.

"Do you sleep here? "

" Of coarse not, all those spiders and bugs" she shudderd " i could never." i laughed, a real genuine laugh.

Perrie turned her head to me and smiled, showing off her pearly whites. " Thats what i like to hear" 

I blushed slightly. she reached over and placed some hair behind my ear. " You Wanna continue talking?"

I noded and smiled.

"Yes please."

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