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;emilys pov
note;;i decided to make emily younger so she didn't graduate..sorry y'all

"ugh, i graduate next year." i said while zach was stroking my hair.

"at least we'll graduate together." he told me, smiling at me.

"that's the only good thing coming out of it." i told him. i kissed his nose and got off his lap. "i have to take a shower." i told him. he nodded and i ran upstairs to my room. i grabbed a towel, a crop top and some black shorts. i turned on the water and got into the shower. i washed my hair and when i was done, i brushed it and put it into a bun. when i went back down, i noticed zach wasn't there. i also noticed he left his phone.

i grabbed it along with my keys and took my moms jeep. i drove the jeep to the wdw boys house and knocked.

jonah answered and looked at me. "um hey emily?" he questioned. "the girls aren't here.."

"actually, is zach here? he left his phone at my house."

"no. sorry." he told me. i shrugged and thanked him anyway. i drove back home and laid on the couch.

should i? no i shouldn't

i wanted to check the phone but at the same time it was wrong.

"okay maybe one message won't hurt." i told myself. i unlocked the phone and went to his messages. what i saw horrified me.

i love you.
ill see you later.
miss u.
ur the best.

i turned off the phone and let the tears roll down my cheeks. i can't believe he's cheating on me.

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