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harpers pov;
i shot up out of my bed and immediately grabbed my phone. i was scrolling through my messages when i noticed lauren had text me. "hey wanna go to the mall and meet cute guys ;)."

i looked at my phone with a confused look. "lol what about daniel." i replied back. the three dots popped up quickly on the screen, indicating she was typing. "um, who's daniel?" at this point, i was more confused then ever. "from wdw?" she sent the laughing emojis. "um, wdw is a band lmao. meet me at the mall ur delusional."

i went through my messages, my contacts, my instagram and everything, but no why don't we. was it all a dream? was it a mirage? an illusion? why did my dream have to end with me in the hospital. it was so confusing to think that i had a dream about meeting the wdw boys and dating them. it's crazy to think about.

i shrugged it off and got dressed. i put on a white crop top, ripped shorts and my converse. to top it all off, i put a red plaid button up over it. i brushed my hair and put it into a messy ponytail. i grabbed my car keys and drove to the mall to meet up with lauren.

"so uh." she asked while we were walking around. "why did you ask me about the wdw boys? i mean, they're cute and all but you know ive never had a boyfriend before." i sighed. should i tell her?

"well, i had this weird dream that we met them, fell in love blah blah blah. it was weird. but whatever. it's just a dream."

she laughed. "Starbucks time!" she squealed. i laughed and followed her.

from that day on, all i could think about was my dream. i mean, it felt so real. the emotions, the feelings. everything. all inmy a groupchat.

and that's a wrap! i really hope y'all enjoyed this story. should i make a sequel? let me know your thoughts. until next time :)

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