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safrons pov;
we sat in harpers waiting room with the boys. we were all crying, waiting for jonah. suddenly, he walked in. he ran to harper and hugged her. he was crying and he looked at me. i ran into his arms and sobbed into his shoulder.

he patted my back and the rest of the girls ran and hugged me. suddenly, the doctor walked in.

"um, girls, can i talk to you privately?"

we nodded and walked out. we followed him into a small and empty room. we all sat at a circular table.

"so, we have an update on your friend." he started. "and we did some xrays."

i nodded. "continue."

"she has a broken ribcage, broken arm and a fractured neck. she may also have a minor concussion."

we were sobbing at this point. "will she be okay?" emily asked.

the doctor nodded. "she'll be okay, just some surgery and she'll be out in two days." i tried to smile to numb the pain but it didn't work.

"you guys may go back."

we walked back to the room and sat down. we all hugged each other. "i love you guys." lauren said. "we love you too."

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