Part 4

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The sound of my mobile penetrated in my ears. I tried to snooze but my mobile acted as if it had its own idea to pester me. I tried to open my eyes only to find that I was getting a call and is not an alarm. I groaned myself. Who in the Earth was calling at this early hour? Seeing it was Max from my office, I was awake. Max is the chief design architect in our company. He is a complete brainer and recently had come up with some interesting designs for the future technology.

"Morning Max. What is the emergency to call me at this morning?" mumbled between my yawns.

"Good morning Lia. We have a meeting with my boys on the new gear box designs remember? We need to finalize this by this week."

"Oh Crap. I totally forgot that. My car broke down yesterday and I don't have a transport. I cannot hitch a ride with dad as he and Jax have to go to warehouse." How could you be so reckless Lia, I mentally face palmed myself.

"Don't worry Lia. I will pick you up. Will wait for you in the diner down your street in 30 minutes. Will it be fine for you?"

"Oh Max. You are a life saver. I will be there in 30."

"Lia, Since we are going for work site, come in comfortable clothing. Bye"

I chuckled on Max's request. Comfortable means 'Come in a dress by which his boys would not get distracted'. At times he was over protective than my dad and Jax. He was such a sweet heart who sees me as his younger sister he never had. I am so lucky to get such a family and friends.

I mentally knocked the wood so as to not jinx myself. I rushed to my bathroom to start the day.

When I reached downstairs, I already heard my family's voice in the kitchen. "Good morning sweetheart" I smiled at my father's greeting with a 'good morning dad'

"Good morning Jax" I greeted my brother Jaxon while sitting on one of the island chairs.

"Greet me properly sister, like Good morning my handsome most and smartest brother in the whole world" I smacked at the back of his head but could not stop laughing.

"Hey, don't spoil my hair style."

"You asked for it. Also I did not"

"Did to"

"Did not"

"Did to"

"Jax, Lia stop fighting and have your breakfast". My mom came into the kitchen.

"Morning Mom. Where have you been?"

"Morning Lia darling. Shelly called to check on today's lunch in the club. Do you want to join us?"

"No Mom. I have a meeting today morning. I donno the course of events today. I will join next time."

"Shelly's niece has come back from Canada. He is joining us for lunch. If you could join us for 30 minutes atleast...."

I interrupted my mom with laugh "No mom. I know what you are up to. So a big No." Since I completed my graduation, my mom was trying with this match making business.

"Come on Lia. I am not getting younger everyday. I want to see my grand kids soon." she said with a pout.

"Leave her be Susie. Our princess with get her prince charming some day"

"Oh Dad. You are equally as bad as Mom" I rolled my eyes towards him when he chuckled back at me.

"I am getting late for my meeting. See you in Office Dad and Jax." I kissed mom Goodbye and left to meet Max.

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