Part 5

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"Honey, we are home." Max called Alyssa as we entered the living room. Max and Alyssa lived a two bedroom apartment in central park. I loved their home and spend time with them as much as possible. So Als made the guest bedroom as mine and I had my spare clothes here in case if had to crash on any night. I am so thankful to get such friends. Oh God! Thinking alike for second time today. I was so going to jinx me.

I then realized max had settled comfortably in the couch. When I decided to move to kitchen to help, I saw Als standing at the kitchen door with both hands on her hips. Her eyes narrowed at Max.

"How many times I have to tell you to keep the keys and coat on its place mister?" Als asked in a dry tone.

"Great. I got an OCD girlfriend." He muttered but immediately got up to pick up the keys from coffee table and hung in the place.

"One more comment on OCD, I will keep you in your place, which is a trash can. Now Mr. Lazy Bones, you better come to kitchen and help me"

I could not control my laughter at this exchange. When Max saw me enjoying the scene he smirked by saying "Wait till you get a boyfriend."

I shook my head and answered "Not in near future".

We had fun time cooking and eating together. After dinner we settled in living room with our coffee. Max alone took something stronger.

Our talks slowly went from general news to today's meeting. I once again disclosed my worries on the contract.

Suddenly Als screeched "Hey, I forgot to tell you. Lucian Alastair is coming to Mandarin on Thursday."

I shook my head "I cannot talk to him on any events Als. I cannot bypass his bodyguards to meet him."

"There is no event planned for. A suite is booked for him and all employees are instructed not to disturb him after 8 pm. If you manage to catch before 8 you might get a chance to talk to him"

"I don't know Als. I am not having a good feel about this." Max voiced in troubled note.

"Come on Max. You know very well that Lia was trying to talk to him. And if I understood, you need to get him convinced by this weekend. I think this is a good plan." Als sounded confident.

Well, till now I was not able to get Mr. Alastair's appointment. And I knew they are finalizing the deal early next week. What was wrong in trying one more time? Especially if it helped dad. My determination steeled once I thought about dad.

"Yes Max. I don't see any harm in trying one more time. And this is for dad"

Max looked as if he was going to object but just nod his head after I mentioned my father.

I did not feel good about this, but I pushed my instincts back.

I later bade night to Alyssa with a tight hug and left home with Max to drop me.


I woke up before my alarm goes on and knew why. Today is Thursday and I am planning to meet the great Lucian Alastair. Still Dad and Jax did not know about this. I was very much sure, if dad knew he would never approve it. And Max's details on Alastair didn't help me either. The man looked so mysterious in personal life and no details so far.

When I went down for breakfast, dad was looking at me with frown. "Is everything alright Baby Girl?"

"Yes dad. Just zoned out on office thoughts." I smiled back at him, hopefully he believed me.

"Oh Lia, you are stressing out much. I think you need a break. Why don't you plan for a vacation?"

"Seriously dad. Nothing to worry about. I am alright." I replied back warmly.

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