Part Six: The Calm After the Storm

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I felt so relieved when I set foot out of the club. Outside it was quiet compared to the Viper which calmed me down immediately. I decided to tell Lara all about what happened that night. "Oh god girl, that sounds horrible. I'm soooo sorry. I thought John looked quite nice. But man, what a dick though. And don't let me start on that girl. Draaaama, uhuh", L said, and I nodded, she was absolutely reading my mind. "I'll sleep over at yours if you don't mind. I'll have to drool over Chad some more, or how you call him, "Mr. Bandana" hahahahahaha", she said. "Larry, I can't wait", I laughed.

Back in my apartment, the first thing I saw was the pile of essays on my kitchen table. Nice reminder, aha. I got out a blanket and a pillow for L and decided to stay in the lounge room with her. "Heya, we're having a sleepover, get out the ice cream and pajamas", Lara yelled. "Do you want me to leave already?", I said and we both started laughing madly. I turned on MTV. Mountain Song by Jane's Addiction was on which made my mood rise once more. "Soo... what's this Mr. Bandana love story all about?", I asked. "God K, don't get me started. I think I fell head over heels. I'm not even joking. But guess what? I'm the most stupid girl in the world", she said hitting her forehead with her flat hand. "What happened?", I said, getting all curious. "Well... you won't believe it. I was too shy to give him my number. Think about that.. Me? Too shy? Something isn't adding up here. Oh man... he'll just forget about me now and we'll probably never see again. I'm so dumb, dumb, dumb. God, I still can't believe it." I patted her back. "L, did you forget about our good friend Chris, huh? I'm sure he has ways to get you two connected. Don't get all depressed already. I need you to cheer me up, remember?" "Right, right. Ok, so. I'll stay positive. Hmm..? I guess, if Chris arranges things for me and "Mr. Bandana" we might live happily ever after and have a house, a dog, babies and all that shit. This is better, right? I feel so zen just thinking about it haha", she said. "Woooaah, this is going a little too far. Can't you just start dating like normal people would hahah." "Well, you know I'm not normal, do you?", she said winking. We kept on talking about this and that until my eyes got heavy and we soon decided to get some rest.

We woke up to the phone ringing. I didn't know where I was, how late it was. And if someone would've asked me my name I probably couldn't even answer that one. I rubbed my eyes and started getting up to pick up the phone. "Who's bothering?", I mumbled. "Your dear friend Christopher, aha. I was just wondering if you're still interested in our little lunch date. Because well.. It's already 2 PM haha", he said. "My god, Chris. I'm so sorry. And how come you sound wide awake, when I'm feeling like I've got rolled over by a truck?", I wondered. He laughed. "Nevermind... I'll just have a shower and we'll meet up at Reilly's? How does that sound to you?", I asked. "Great, see you there!", Chris hung up.

I turned to Lara who was still not able to move: "Sooo... I'm meeting up for lunch with Chris. And I'm kind of in a rush... But I see, you're still in zombie mode, sooo.. I guess I'll just leave you dying on my couch?", I laughed. "Hmhmmh", she grumbled.

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