Chapter 15

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Kristen's POV

I took a deep breath then started my story. "Ok so it started off when I was born. the thing is, I wasn't supposed to be born. I'm an accidental baby that happened because of 2 drunk parents. When my mom found out about me, she wanted to have an abortion but her mom wouldn't let her. Then when I was born she tried putting me up for adoption but again my grandma wouldn't let her. So she took me home and let me live with them. But then when my grandma died, my mom decided to put me up for adoption again. I was 7 at the time. Kris protested and helped let me stay. However I spent my whole life in his shadow. My parents would always be at all of his hockey games. I was lucky if they even saw a period. Once they saw a whole game and I got a hat trick but had a single bad pass that was turned over and I was yelled at the whole ride home for that pass. My parents always missed all of my events and would even forget about me. Once when we were going on a little weekend vacation they left me on "accident" and didn't realize it until they were there. It was a 3 and a half hour drive and they didn't come back for me. They called to tell me that. Then I made it into Notre Dame, me dream college and they didn't care. After I graduated college, I has trouble finding a job and my parents kicked me out. Kris, who was just starting his career at the time, came home to visit. I guess he asked about me and my parents told him what they did. He let me move in with him an that made things a lot better. Then I met Jared. He was pretty awesome until I tried to break up with him. He started screaming in my face and hit me. After that he abused me everyday. I had bruises all over my body. To get rid of my depression I started cutting. Then around that time I met Antti Neimi and he was basically my best friend. I felt like I could tell him anything. Then one night I was watching a game at home. I had a friend over but she left after the game. Around midnight someone was knocking on the door. I knew it couldn't be Kris since the game ended at 11:15. I answered it to see a very very drunk, very angry Jared. He stumbled in and tried to have sex with me. I kept shoving him off. Then he started beating me. I avoided some beating by backing up. then I hit a wall and was trapped. He beat me the worst he ever had. He screamed in my face 'NO ONE SAYS NO TO ME ESPECIALLY YOU!' At that time Kris and Antti walked in and saved me. They knocked Jared out and called the cops on him. He was sentenced 5 years in prision. Then after winning the Cup in 2010 we moved to Florida and Antti moved to San Jose. In Florida it seemed like no one liked me. Kris was literally the only one who liked me. Then his teammates decided to prank me. One of them asked me out as a dare. We 'dated' for a little bit until I found out the truth. After that I tried committing sucide but survived. Then we came back here and it's better now."

By the time I finished the story I was in tears. The guys were silent. I saw Kris tearing up too. "It is true. Our parents hated her. They never once told her they loved her," he said. "Kris was basically my dad AND mom," I added tears streaming down my face. Corey and Brandon came over and gave me a hug. Brandon kissed my head. "that's horrible," Corey says. "I can't believe you own parents would do that," he continued. Brandon finally spoke. "Just know that we're ally's there for you, The whole team is." I smile. "Thanks guys!'

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