Nathan aka Nate

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Halfway through the chick flick, I heard the jangle of keys outside. Sarah didn't seem to hear anything and continued watching the movie.

Before anything drastic happened, I poked Sarah.

'I have a brother.'

For a second, I thought she was going to laugh.

'Is he hot?'

'Um, I wouldn't know,' I said, trying not to show any emotion.

In reality, I was freaking out inside. I was meeting my brother. All Sarah cared about was if he was hot, oh my god. My brother who's been in fucking coma. My brother. Holy shit, I was going to be able to talk to him again. This time, with him responding.

And the door swung open.

Mom came in first. I smelt cinnamon rolls and donuts. Nathan walked in next, in all his glory. He was about 6'2 inches tall with a green hoodie and denim jeans on. He eerily resembled my ex-boss. He also smelt of aftershave. It was Nate, alright. Same old blue eyes and well-defined cheekbones.

I glanced at Sarah. Her mouth had swung open. I slapped her arm and she got back her senses.

'Hi! I'm Sarah, Libby's friend. She apparently has sprained her ankle. So I was just taking care of her.'

My mother looked mortified to see a black girl in my room.

'Um, okay. But we're here now,' she said. 'Thanks a ton, Sarah.'

'Pleasure,' Sarah smiled as she walked out. Nate gave her a grin.

I struggled to look at my family. Finally, I managed to look at Nate without straining my neck too much. He was handsome as hell. I could see why Sarah had been struck by him.

'Hi.' That's all that came out of my mouth. Nate grinned at me.

'Hey, sis,' he said. 'How you doin?'

I was a bit surprised. How can a guy whose been in coma for such a prolonged time, speak so clearly? How was he not drooling all over the house? How was this handsome hunk my brother?

'I had speech therapy,' he explained. 'I'm also on meds. Don't look so mortified.' Nate laughed.

My mother kept the keys on the dining table and began fiddling with her scarf nervously. 'Um, Sarah?'

'Yeah, mom?' I said. She was in front of me so I didn't have to strain my neck to look at her.

'Nate's been awake for two months now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.'

My mouth swung open. I took a deep breath and gulped down all the insults that could have come out. After composing myself, I said, 'Why not? Because I had a new job?'

'Um, yes.' That is all I got. For two months, I had been in the dark about my brother. Two months.

'I need to ask you something, Nate,' I said. 'Do you remember Éloïse?'

'Seriously? You're asking me that?' Nate smirked. 'But yeah, I do.'

'She's my boss.'

Nate grinned. 'I know, we keep in touch.'

And that was when I lost it.

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