Post War

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Chapter 2


I came into the room and Lily left. I asked McKinnon: "Hey! How are you feeling?"

"In a bit of pain" - she replied

"May I?" I asked

"Maybe "- she replied flirtatiously

So I lifted up her shirt and saw it, there was a huge deep gash on her back.

She asked me smiling sadly: "Is it really bad?"

"Yeah ": I replied honestly


"Remus, Tonks I was wondering if you would like to stay the night, this house is ruined so we could go to the Potter Manor." - I ask Remus and Tonks

Remus and Tonks: "Sure, Thanks!"

We apparate to the Potter Manor and start arranging the rooms.

James: "There are only clean 3 bedrooms so Me, Lily and Harry can stay in the master bedroom..."

Sirius: "Hey! Why do you get the Master Bedroom?"

James: "Because we are three. Continuing... We have 2 options: Marls and Tonks, Moony and Padfoot or Moony and Tonks, Padfoot and..."

Lily: "...This is a bad idea..."

James: "Ok! Let's vote"

1st option: Only Lily and Tonks vote

2nd option: Sirius, Remus, Marls and James

Everyone goes up to their rooms 


Me:" Remus, You know my problem isn't with you right? It's with those two"

Remus: "Yeah!"

Me: "Let's go downstairs, I'm starving"

Remus: "Me too"


I walked upstairs with James and Harry, I am in with pain but I don't want to show it.

When we reach the bedroom I put Harry on the bed and start feeling dizzy and then my world goes black.


Lily puts Harry on the bed and faints, just before she reaches the ground I grab her. I lay her down on the bed beside Harry and go tell Moony and Tonks.

I hear that they are talking, so I knock on the door

Tonks says: "Come in. "

I tell them that Lily fainted and that we should take her to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Then we go talk to Marlene and Padfoot. 


We go inside Lily's room and see that she is in her bed with Harry beside her. So James gets Lily and side-apparates her to St Mungo's. 

Remus apparates to his house so he can owl Frank and Alice (Longbottom) to meet him at the Hospital. And then goes to St Mungo's

Baby Harry starts saying: "Mar, Mar, Mar."

 So I sit on the bed and put Harry on my lap and start baby taking with him. 

Then Tonks gets Harry from me and side-apparatus him to St Mungo's.  I still can't apparate on my own because the Cruciatus Curse was used on me (I don't have the strength), so Sirius side-apparates me.

WORD COUNT: 463 words

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