First day of work

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Wattpad just deleted the WHOLE chapter!!!


I wake up with Sirius shaking me awake.

What is it? - I ask

It's 7AM, you need to get the train at 8PM, It's your first day of work - Sirius tells me.

I feel a wave of nausea overpowering me, so I run to the toilet and puke.

Are you ok? - Sirius asks

Well... - I reply


Marlene: A white blouse and a black pencil skirt, black flats and nude makeup, hair in a messy bun

Alice: A short black dress, black flats, nude makeup and short hair loose

Lily: A white blouse, a black pencil skirt, black high heels, and hair loose


Their first day at work:


I board on the hogwarts express once again. I remember the time when I was seventeen and thought that would be my last ride to Hogwarts.

I sit in the compartment where we always sat, a few moments later Lily and Alice come inside. Lily says: I thought you would be in here.

For the rest of the ride we act as if we were still teenagers, had never had boyfriends, husbands or kids, it was just us, or how we called ourselves when we were little: The Blossom Trio.

The train finally arrives, we get off and go to Dumbledore's office, we ask him what to do.

He tells us that we'll sit in the professors table, and that we could choose our places, we obviously sat together.

Skipping to the feast

Dumbledore: We have a rather special addition to our staff this year. Welcome your new DADA professors: Professor Evans, Professor McKinnon and Professor Prewett (do you think Alice's name is Prewett of Fortscue?)

The students clap

No one's POV

After the feast in the headmaster's office:

Dumbledore: As you might know we only have one dormitory, so you'll have to share. If you're sick go to Madam Pomfry and we'll have a meeting once a week, all Monday's at 10PM. You have flop powder in you're room so whenever you want to go home you can just go

The next day

Lily's POV

I wake up, take a shower and see the time; 7:30, class starts at 10 AM, so I wake up Alice and then move to Marlene

Marlene's POV

I take wake up with Lily shaking me, I get out of bed, and before I even get dressed I feel the urge to puke, so I run to the toilet and vomit.
I totally forgot to tell Sirius!

The girls take a shower and get dressed.

Marlene: A white blouse and a black pencil skirt, Green Wizard Robes,hair loose and black flats
Alice: A white blouse and a grey pencil skirt, Purple Wizard Robes, hair in a loose ponytail, and boots
Lily: A white blouse and a black pencil skirt, Black Wizard Robes, hair in a loose bun and flats.

It's 8:30 , so the three of us go running to Madam Pomfry.

No one's POV

Madam Pomfry: It's rather early, what do you need?

Alice: Marlene here needs a checkup

Madam P: Of course, After classes

The girls go have breakfast

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