Chapter 1- Escape from Wexton Mansion (Part 1)

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The woods are warm and welcoming, a disguise from what lies within. At least, that's what the majority of Wexton believes. Many who'd dared to enter hadn't returned, their locations still unknown. Police continue to search for evidence to where so many have gone, but that's just the reason no progress has been made: the mystery isn't about the where, it's about the who.

On the evening of July 21, yet another girl is drawn to the wonder of the woods. She'd started having dreams weeks ago-- only one every few days in the beginning, but by now, her thoughts are consumed by daydreams, too. Her always sharp eyes blur over, and her vision fogs as her mind wanders to the same vivid dream. She tells nobody.

"Colia, you're doing it again, honey," Mrs. Burn worries, waving her hand in front of her daughters face with concern. They sit by the fire in the large living room of a large mansion, the biggest in Wexton.

The tall, blonde-haired girl jolts back into reality, gasping. "Sorry, what was it you were saying? I was just... thinking."

"You've been doing that a lot lately," Mrs. Burn mutters, leaning back into her floral, cushioned rocking chair. It's a strange sight for her to do so. Rarely does her good-posture and proper behavior fail. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Colia opens her mouth to admit what she's seen but changes her mind at the last second. "No," she shakes her head, "I'm tired, that's all."

Her mother sighs saying, "Well, you better get some rest tonight. As I was telling you before, interviewers from RSAP are coming to ask you a few questions to determine whether or not you're fit for the school."

"Tomorrow? Why that's so soon." Colia rubs her head to soothe a stress headache that usually comes with unexpected news.

"I called the school this morning to ensure an early position on their list. You know, there are many other talented students competing for spots," Mrs. Burn explains, "but don't worry, hon, I'm sure you'll make it in."

Looking away from her mother to the fire, Colia furrows her eyebrows. Her head aches more but for a different reason than before. "Mom, I didn't think that was an official plan. I mean, there are more schools than just the Raven School of Academic Prodigies."

Mrs. Burn laughs as if her daughter had just told a joke. "Colia, what are you talking about? This is what you've wanted for years."

This is what you've wanted for years, Colia thinks bitterly. Mrs. Burn once upon a time went to RSAP for high school and wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps. That had been the plan for years, and Colia had always accepted it until now. Until she started having the dream.

"I'm only suggesting we should keep our options open," Colia responds after a pregnant pause.

"But what are these other options you speak of?"

Nervousness floods Colia. For all she knows, the place she's been seeing in her sleep and daydreams for the last few weeks could be a figment of her imagination. Then again, it's unlikely her brain is capable of imagining such things. Visions of a beautiful castle on the other side of the warm woods are too vivid.

"Have you- have you ever heard of Stormwood Academy?" Colia asks, holding her breath, but Mrs. Burn's response is unexpected. Instead of looking confused and questioning Colia's sanity, Mrs. Burn slowly stands up from her chair, a sudden look of rage settling on her face.

"Stormwood Academy?" she whispers softly. "Stormwood Academy?" This time she yells, raising her voice to a volume she rarely ever reaches. Colia jumps from her seat too but in alarm. "Your father told you, didn't he? God, I should've known he wouldn't listen!"

"What? No, Dad didn't tell me anything. I swear," Colia pleads, tears starting to fill her eyes. She hates seeing her mother so upset and is starting to regret mentioning the school at all. Still, curiosity knaws on her mind at the mention of her father, and she can't help but wonder whether the castle she sees is real or not.

"Go to your room right now," Mrs. Burn demands. "We'll talk about this later." Obediently, Colia runs out of the living room and up the large, carpeted staircase while her mom grabs a phone off the kitchen counter and begins to punch in numbers.

The door of Colia's room muffles the yelling from Wexton Mansion's first floor making it impossible to decipher, even as she sits on the wooden floor, ear to the crack. Eventually, she gives up trying to listen and makes her way to the vanity only to see her tear-streaked face staring back. It doesn't feel like she'd done anything wrong, but she feels bad for her mom.

Colia continues to stare, processing the most recent events until out of the corner of her eye, she catches sight of the open window, where the sun sets over the woods. The woods, she thinks as a trance once again comes over her. She turns toward it and begins to walk forward, not stopping until she goes tumbling over the window ledge.

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