Chapter 2- Everyone has Secrets (part 3)

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 The room goes silent as a snap rings through the air. Augustus comes crashing to the ground, his leg wedged in the split floor, twisting unnaturally. His teeth are bared in pain, and a groan escapes his lips. Whispers erupt all around Colia, and everyone looks around to see the source of destruction. Did I do that? Colia wonders, but she already knows the answer. She's terrified.

Emi shifts her gaze from Colia's flustered face to the tension in her fist, which Colia releases. Emi knows. Looking down, Colia's horrified to see her own palms bleeding. Abruptly, it feels like she can't breathe. The air seems to leave the room, and she needs to go. She needs to escape.

Someone grabs her leg as Colia's about to stand up. "No, wait," Emi mutters under her breath, but Colia starts hyperventilating. Her vision's fuzzy. "Just wait a bit. Don't let them find out." No one's moving, so Colia can't walk from the room in this state without gaining attention.

Within a matter of minutes, a number of adults rush into the cafeteria, including her father. He doesn't notice Colia as he swiftly passes. They gather round Augustus and help lift his leg from the crack, making him nearly cry out in the process. At the sight of the injury, Colia nearly cries out, too. 

Mr. Storm turns to the observing students, who stare obviously at their suffering classmate. "Everyone, please file out while we deal with this damage."

Finally, Colia stands up with Emi and takes off from the room but not before looking back. Augustus's eyes burn into Colia's, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead with sweat and ankle bent in awkward angles. She rotates back and leaves.

"Let's go to my room so we can talk without overhearing ears," Emi suggests, ushering Colia away from the mob. Colia nods along. "This is the freshmen wing." They've reached a small passage in the corner of the school. "The four corners of Stormwood are used for dormitories. Sophomores live in the corner to the left of ours, Juniors the next, and Seniors take the last one."

At the end of the passage is a set of narrow, stone stairs, and they begin to climb. One floor. Two floors. Three floors. Four floors. "Are we almost there?" Colia asks, chuckling and raising her eyebrows. 

"Almost." Emi gives a short laugh. "The main building only has five floors, but there are eight floors for each dorm section. Want to guess what floor I'm on?"

"Eight?" Colia rolls her eyes. She's starting to feel better, slowly rallying herself together again.

"Yeah, I'm ever the lucky one."

Reaching the top floor, Emi enters her room. It looks similar to Mr. Storm's but is slightly smaller and has two beds instead of one. Only one half of the room appears to be moved into with walls covered in band posters and a black bedspread. Maybe, they can be roommates.

"So, what happened?" Emi inquires as she ungracefully plops onto her bed. Noticing Colia's hesitancy she advises, "You should come sit down." She pats the spot next to her and Colia relaxes into the covers.

"I honestly don't know what happened. That guy, Augustus, has been nothing but rude to me since I came because I don't classify myself as a Storm. I was frustrated, and the floor just split. I didn't know I could do that." Colia massages her temples.

"Oh, Augustus is such a jerk to the Burn side. I've never understood it."

"Yes, he's a killjoy for sure, yet I'm full of guilt for what I did. His leg looks terrible."

"It's hard to control magic at first but will come more naturally with time," Emi soothes. "Different types of magic are easier than others. I'm thinking your either a push or destruction magician. I'm a fire magician." Colia doesn't want to perform destructive magic, but realistically, she could be doing just that for the rest of her life. What use is damage?

"I'd rather by a push magician."

"Well, destruction magicians are pretty amazing too and very rare. I wouldn't worry either way." 

"Thank you for everything, Emi," Colia says, her heart warm from Emi's kindness and guidance today. "I can't  believe we weren't friends in Wexton. I mean, I saw you in the halls a few time."

"I know!" Emi agrees. "We both hung out around different crowds that never crossed paths. But now we can change that."

"We will change that." And Colia is certain. So much change has taken place in the past day, she might wake up as a whole different person tomorrow. But she's a survivor, a worker, and a fighter. She can do whatever she sets her mind to, accomplish any goal. She will not be a disappointment to anyone ever again.

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