Chapter 4- Eastern River Bridge (part 1)

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By the time it's 7:30 pm, Colia is already on her way to the academy entrance, but she has a task to do before meeting Emi and Kyler. Colia makes her way to her father's office, only to find no response to her knocking. She wanted to ask him some questions about the dreams, but apparently, they'd have to wait.

Mrs. Lazzari catches the corner of Colia's eye as she continues to the main entry, and her frown turns upwards. Colia rushes over to the teacher. 

"Mrs. Lazzari! I thought I should formally introduce myself after our quick run-in the other day," Colia says. "I'm Colia as you probably already know."

"Oh, Colia, I've known you since you were an infant. No need for introductions," Mrs. Lazzari dismisses. "Though, you've grown and changed so much since I last saw you."

"When was that?"

"You probably wouldn't remember, honey..." Mrs. Lazzari trails off, smiling sadly. "Anyway, is there anything you need?"

"Actually, there is, " Colia answers. "I was wondering if you've seen my father. He's not in his office and I need to talk to him. You know, this building is so huge, it's no surprise I haven't really seen him much in two days."

"My, my, that is quite a bit of time, Colia. However, he's currently at a meeting. I'll let him know you stopped by when he gets back though. Is that alright?"

"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Lazzari. That would be great!"

"You're always welcome, dear."

Colia grins in satisfaction, but she can't help but wonder why she doesn't remember Mrs. Lazzari's jolly face. It's not one many could forget, with round, rosy cheeks, and an all-toothy smile, like a grandmother. Colia had never met her grandparents.

When Colia reaches Stormwood's entrance, Kyler is there waiting, but Emi is nowhere to be seen.

"Hi," Colia greets awkwardly. 

"Hi," Kyler returns and looks away.

"So, uh, thanks for helping and everything," Colia tries after a moment, a forced smile on her face. 

"Oh, um no problem." Silence follows, uncomfortable silence, and this time, Colia doesn't try to fill it.

"Hey, you guys ready?" Emi asks, a broad grin set on her face as she approaches. It'd probably only been a minute of silence, but it felt longer. 

"Yes, I think so," Colia responds, and Kyler nods eagerly, back to his normal self. "I will carry the novally. Emi, you will be on the lookout." Colia turns toward Kyler. "And you will keep us invisible. Sound good?"

"Yes, let's just check to see if the coast is clear," Kyler instructs.  Their eyes scan the hall in which they stand, but there isn't another soul to be seen. It's not a surprise since Academy curfew is at eight. 

"I think we're the only ones here," Emi reports excitedly, and Colia confirms. "Let's go."

Colia gasps as she feels a tingling sensation come over her as she watches her hands fade away little by little. Seemingly empty air occupies the area her friends once stood. For some odd reason, she'd thought she would be able to see them if she too were invisible. Apparently, not.

The sound of footsteps carries from close by, and Colia's struck with the urge to hide. But as  Augustus appears down the hall, she comes to her senses. She's already hidden. He stops by the Academy entrance to make sure no one is near before continuing out of the castle. 

Once out of hearing range, Colia lets out the breath she'd been holding in. "Where is he going?" 

There's a pause before Emi responds. "Come on, let's find out." She approaches the grand doorway, her steps echoing off the stone walls. Neither Kyler nor Colia move.

"You can't be serious, Em," Kyler says.

"What about the bridge? I need to be there by eight," Colia reminds.

"We have time," Emi says. "For all we know, Augustus could be AB."

"Have you been listening to Raina Russo or something?" Kyler scoffs. "You sound an awful lot like her."

"Well, actually, her story matches up. Raina said Augustus was raised by a Burn, right? Maybe, that's his last name."

"Yeah, he stuck with the last name of the guardian he killed.  That makes perfect sense," Kyler remarks. " Oh, and have you heard her theory about his secret identity as an octami? That's a good one."

"No one knows his story," Emi argues uncertainly.

"That's why people make up their own versions."


"Wait. Wait. Wait, a minute," Colia interrupts, raising her voice. "Raina Russo? Burn? Octami? Could someone fill me in here?"

Emi sighs. "Right, sorry. Raina Russo-- she's the gossip of the school, the one who somehow discovered your presence here-- claims that Augustus was raised by one of your relatives, that Augustus later murdered him and joined the Storms," Emi explains.

"But it's not true," says Kyler. "Raina is a psycho like her father and a disloyal snitch, too. You can't tell her anything without it spreading like wildfire."

"You only say that because she's with the Storms, Kyler," Emi snaps, "and whatever you hold against them and her, needs to end because it's clouding your judgment. Let it go."

"How can you say that? You know what she did to me. I gave her a chance despite her allies and it stabbed me in the back."

 Their voices rise, slowly but surely, and soon, the invisibility will be of no use. Their voices will give them away.

"But if she weren't with the Storms, you'd give her another chance; you'd move on. Just move on already!" Emi exclaims.

"That's not true!" Kyler returns with anger.

"Stop," Colia urges, but he continues.

"What she did was unforgivable, no matter what side she's on."

"Move one!" Emi repeats.

"Guys, really. Stop." Colia's ignored once again.

"I can't move on, Emi!" Kyler says.

"Wait a minute. Please," Colia pleads. No one answers her.

"Move. On," Emi says finally before Colia is finally heard.

"Both of you, shut up!" Colia practically shouts. Kyler and Emi quiet down. "You're wasting enough of my time. Let's just go to the bridge. That's what we came here to do."

There's a pregnant pause. "You're right," Emi answers in a small voice, "I'm sorry."

"Me too," Kyler agrees. That's the only thing they agree on it seems.

"Come on, let's go." Colia exits the castle and the others follow. No one makes a sound as they walk toward the Eastern Woods.

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