Chapter 3- The First Letter (part 3)

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The noiselessness of the library suddenly becomes apparent to Colia, and goosebumps form on her arms. The air isn't cold but the silence is. Invisible eyes lurk close by, watching Colia's every move. Colia scans her surroundings, nothing moves, the eyes remain on her. Maybe, she's being paranoid, but what if she isn't? Anything is possible at Stormwood.

She closes her own eyes, slowing her breath. Everything's okay, she reassures herself, tries to convince herself. She opens the book again, biting her lip. It said novalies are most often used as tracking devices, suggesting there are more uses. The invisible eyes begin to fade. Everything's okay.

Continuing to read, she learns novalies can also track places and objects. Some families even carry sibling novalies in order to stay together, without straying too far. The question is why does Colia have one?

Colia loses track of time by the time Emi enters the library, a short, copper-skinned boy at her heels. He's tall, like really tall-- probably six and a half feet tall.

"How was class?" Colia greets, standing up and setting her books down.

"As fun as history can be, I guess," Emi shrugs.

The boy turns toward Emi with mock defensiveness. "Hey, history is probably the most interesting and important class in school.

Emi rolls her eyes. "Yeah okay, Kyler."

"It is! We learn from the past, so it doesn't repeat itself. If World War II never happened, something similar could very well be occurring right now," Kyler insists.

"Too bad there's a war already brewing in the magical world. There's always been a division between Storm and Burn, but it's getting worse. Magicians are going to act soon."

"Maybe, we should fight. You heard rumors the Storms are creating an army."

"Rumors are rumors," Emi dismisses with a wave of her hand. Colia watches the conversation with amusement, and Emi seems to remember she's there. "Oh right, introductions. Kyler, this is Colia Burn, daughter of Headmaster Iason Storm and Penelope Burn. And before you ask, she's neutral in the division. She came yesterday from Wexton, my hometown."

"Hi, my name's Kyler as you've most likely figured out. Well, it's Kyler Ericson. I'm a sophomore shadow magician."

"Shadow magician? What can you do?" Colia asks.

"She's new to this whole magic thing," Emi explains.

Kyler nods with understanding. "Basically, I can bend light and shadow to influence what others see or don't see."

"Can I see?" Colia requests. Kyler nods again and both him and Emi disappear before Colia's eyes. She reaches out to where Emi was standing and touches a solid object in the transparent air. "Wow. What are the other types of magic?"

"Push, fire, destruction, healing, mind, water, and shape-shifting," Kyler lists, counting with his fingers. "What are you?"

"We don't know yet," Emi answers. "Our theory is either destruction or push."

"Why don't you go see? It's pretty easy to figure out," Kyler replies, laughing as if it's obvious.

"What would I test it on? I wouldn't want to break anything valuable." Colia isn't completely convinced, especially after the cafeteria incident.

"Then, don't try it on something valuable," he suggests. "Here, I have a pencil." He grabs one that was tucked behind his ear and hands it to Colia, who takes the pencil with uncertainty.

Holding it in her palm, she glances at Emi and Kyler. "How do I do it?"

"Just imagine the pencil traveling across your hand," Emi instructs. "If nothing happens, you're not a push magician. Also, you might want to close your eyes at first. It'll be easier to picture."

Colia closes her eyes and visualizes the pencil moving. Shortly, she feels it roll down her fingers and hears a small thump as it hits the floor. Her eyes open again and she stares in wonder.

"I can't believe it," she whispers.

"Well, believe it," Emi replies with a smile. "You're a push magician!"

While turning around to the books behind her, Colia extends her arm and lifts them in the air, making them hover near the ceiling. As she draws them toward her, she catches a glimpse of the covers and remembers the purpose of Emi meeting her in the library. The books fall.

"Wait, Emi, the novaly. I forgot to tell you," Colia says, her words racing out with worry.

"Novaly? Why are you researching novalies?" Kyler asks, and Emi and Colia look at each other, then over to him, surprised he knows what a novaly is. "And why are you looking at me like that? I'm a shadow magician. I could make a novaly myself if I wanted to."

"Yes, I read about that," Colia confirms, "but I also learned novalies are used as tracking devices, and I happen to have one with me." She presents it to Kyler.

"You're being tracked?" Emi exclaims. 

Kyler takes the novaly and holds it out in front of him until a shadow of an arrow appears on the library carpet. "Yep, this is a novaly for sure, but where did you get it?"

Emi and Colia share a silent conversation with their eyes before Emi responds. "You see, that's why I brought you here. Colia received a letter today from 'AB.' We don't know who that is. The letter says to bring the novaly to the Eastern River Bridge, and we were hoping you'd come with us and help us sneak out."

"It's not like I can say no to you, Em," he jokes, rolling his eyes. "I'd rather not have my bed catching on fire during the night."

"Good, I mean, that would be an unfortunate accident," Emi smirks evilly. "We can meet by the front entrance at 7:30 tonight."

They all nod and smile at each other happily. If only they knew what they were getting themselves into.

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