Let's Talk Lams

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Wow, I am so going to lose followers for this. Wonderful way to start this off.

Now, let's talk Lams.

I don't like it.

*collective gasps*

I just don't see the appeal. I mean, I have written a few Lams oneshots, but that's mainly because of requests. Just to let all of you know, I will never be writing a story just for Lams. It might have unrequited Lams (like The Curse of the Sea), or it will have past Lams.

I just don't like Lams.

I mean, I don't ship the actual founding fathers (obvious). I ship the characters Lin created. Aaron Burr was not that calm and kinda of nice (besides the whole shooting Hamilton thing). Hamilton was not that apologetic to Eliza, Hercules never met Lafayette and Laurens. Laurens was not that adorable and innocent seeming.

My point is, that I find that the Hamilton fandom seem to forget that Lin's musical is not fact. The founding fathers were not that calm, non racist, non sexist, everything. Jefferson actually had anxiety about going in front of crowd. He was confident, but not nearly to the extent that Lin made him.

I write fanfiction for the musical, not the actual people. In the musical, Hamilton and Laurens are close friends, but I don't see anything outside of that. Yes, it is possible that Hamilton and Laurens had an actual relationship (I wouldn't be surprised), but the characters in the musical don't seem that close. Laurens is only in a handful of songs, not all of them feature him even speaking to Hamilton.

In terms of the musical, I think Jamilton and maybe Hamburr are more likely to have happened. In real life? No. Absolutely not. They all happily liked their women thank you very much.

I'm not trying to bash Lams, I don't mind it and the fanart is pretty cute, but I'll never read about it and the only place I'll write it is in my prompt book and maybe briefly in some fanfics. But it will never be the focus.

[Also, I don't hate Laurens because let's face it, Anthony is freaking adorable]

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