Huh, I Was Tagged [Part 1]

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Welp, VioletStar189 tagged me so...

1. What is Your Favorite Band?

Pentatonix if they count. And obviously Hamilton.

2. Mental Age?

Funnily enough, I actually act pretty mature most of the time (hard to believe I know). Out of all my friends, I'm the most sane so... *shrug*

3. What is Your Favorite Song?

I really love History has Its Eyes on You and Say No to This.

4. What is Your Favorite Movie?

I don't watch a lot of movies. I like Star Wars and Avenger Movies though (yes, I'm a total nerd).

5. Favorite Quote From a Song?

Ooh, this is a hard one. There's a lot of quotes I like in Hamilton. Um... Honestly I love everything in Wait for It. Almost all the lyrics in that song are great quotes. :p

6. What's Your Dream Job?

Writer. Kinda obvious. XD

7. What Time do You Stay up at Night Till?

If I have things to do, I go to bed at around 1am. If I have nothing to do, I'll fall asleep around 10am or 11am.

8. Explain What Your Profile Pic Is

Well, it's a cute Peggy looking happy. She's just super cute and I liked the art so I made it my profile pic.

9. Teacher's Pet or Rule Breaker?

Honestly, it depends. I will admit I'm more of a teacher's pet tho. But I break rules which I think are super stupid. :p

10. If You Could Rename Yourself, What Would it Be?

Oh geez, another tough one. I'm not sure. My favorite name is Amber... But it doesn't really suit me. :p

11. Celebrity Crush?

Ahhh. Daveed Diggs. That afro...

12. Romantic Movies or Horror Movies?

Probably romantic movies. Though I don't watch a lot of either genre. I mostly watch action movies. XP

13. YouTube or Wattpad?

Wattpad. Hands down.

I tag:

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