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Chapter Nine:

Emblym became bored very easily, so, she wanted to go wander around the strange Helicarrier. However, the Black man made it very clear that she was not allowed to do that. Instead, Emblym went to the science room that the rich guy and the scruffy looking guy, which she thought was Doctor Banner, were hanging out.

When the doors opened and Emblym sat down, both of their attitudes changed. They were more tense, and did not enjoy her prescense in the room, even though she hadn't even said anything. Yet.

"Hey, uh," Dr. Banner spoke up, turning to her two lovely bodyguards. Or henchmen, or, even better, minions! "Look, I'm sure we can keep an eye on her. So, you can like, go, or stand outside the door?"

The two minions looked at each other, then at Emblym who grinned. They nodded and went to stand outside the door. As soon as the door closed, the rich guy wheeled on her. "So, what's your story, princess?"

"Ooo, name-calling already? I feel included," Emblym replied, chuckling.

"I mean, you're still a kid, so you gotta be something fierce if Fury let you on this assignment."

"His name is Fury?" Emblym tilted her head in a hald-nod, "I guess that fits."

"What did you do to get here?" Tony asked again. "We're supposed to be a team, right? Let us in on your secret."

"I'll have you know that secrets aren't supposed to be easily shared like that," Emblym replied coolly. "Isn't that an oxymoron? Oh, well, who knows." Emblym summoned her knife and used it to pick under her nails. "Thanks for getting those guys off my back, Doc. I owe you one."

"Yeah... No problem..." Doctor Banner said, kind of nervous with the knife in the room, even though Emblym wasn't threatening anyone with it.

"Hmm, you still haven't explained why you're here, princess? Come on, it can't be that bad."

"It could be that bad," Emblym shrugged. "Besides, I'm not here to braid your hair and paint your nails. We have a job to get done. Do yours. Away from me."

"Such sarcasm," He said, almost formidably. "I never thought anyone on this team was capable of that much. Impressive, princess."

"Hmm, you still haven't started to do your job, Rich boy."

"Well, you still haven't started to tell me your 'tragic backstory', princess."

"Because it isn't your buisness," Emblym crossed her legs and twirled her knife. "Now, please, get back to science talk, and whatever else you were doing."

The rich guy narrowed his eyes at Emblym, knowing that she wasn't going to talk much more on anything that would've mattered.

"Tony, come look at this," Doctor Banner said from across the room, ending their little stare down. Emblym smirked, giving him a shooing motion. So, he turned and left. Emblym leaned back in her chair and propped her feet up, victoriously.

Emblym sat back for a few hours, quiet and listening to the electrical hum of the ship. It was lulling and it the two scientists weren't talking it would even put her to sleep.

No, it wouldn't put her to sleep, since she didn't sleep, of course. However, the thought of it was comforting. A little. The voices would never allow that. They didn't know, with their mindless bickering about stupid things. I am hot. I want to die. I want blood. Kill me. Kill him. Kill. Kill. Kill.

It wouldn't make the best soundtrack of inner voices, now that she thought about it.

Emblym's head poked up when she heard the door open. Then, at the same time, a cry of pain. The voices reacted --- having suffered from pain and hearing pain for so long. It made Emblym wince, nearly doubling over.

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