Chapter 3 (Max/Ashla)

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(13 year old Max and 9 and a-half year old Ash)

Third POV

Max just stared Ashla with wide eyes, not sure of what just happened, and not sure if he should trust her. But what he was questioning most of all, was if he actually saw her use powers that were similar to his.

"Hello. Are you ok? What's you name?" Ashla decided to ask, as she put away her lightsabers, and hoped he didn't see her using her powers.

Max still not sure if he should trust her, didn't say anything, he just stared studying her features. He immediately noticed how the girl had purple hair, and it was pulled back into a tight French Braid, and dragon symbol on her clothes, but what took him a moment to notice was her necklace. Her necklace was a light purple dragon that looked like it was missing part of it. After seeing the necklace he was speechless, and he felt like he all the sudden could trust this girl.

"It's ok, you can trust me." Ashla suddenly said.

"I know. My names Max." Max replied.

The first part of Max reply confused Ashla, but she brushed it of and told the older boy her name.

"Ashla, but my friends call me Ash, how did you end up way out here Max?" Ashla asks.

"I'm not entirely sure. I was kinda just walking around and I ended up somewhere I haven't been in ten years. Next thing I know it's dark and I wake up here." Max explains.

Ashla looks at him for a brief moment in disbelief. Hera has told her of the story of how she came to be apart of the crew and Max's story is incredibly similar to her own.

"You don't believe me do you?" Max asks, after seeing Ashla stare at him.

"NO! That's not it at all! Its just, I don't know why I'm telling you this! But I don't live with my birth family. The person I like to think of as my mother, found me in a way very similar to the way you ended up here." Ashla explains.

Max looks at Ashla with wide eyes, not believing what he just heard.

"W...wa....wait!!, WH.....WHAT! What do you mean you were found?" Max asks.

Startled by his outburst, Ashla hesitates to answer, but answers anyway.

"I was found by my mother figure in a little meadow with flowers, rock pillars, and a small lake. Actually, I think this may be where I was found." Ashla realizes.

"Anyway, she took me back to here ship where she and her partner, although I like to think there is something more there, lived and they have taken care of me ever since. A few years ago we met a Lasot named Zeb and he joined our little crew. So now it's my mother figure Hera, father figure Kanan, Zeb, whom I like to think of as a big brother, and me! All living under one roof, or under the roof of a ship I guess. If you want to be technical." Ashla explained, leaving a very confused Max.

After noticing Max's confused face, Ashla pulled out a hollo-disc, which contained a picture of the crew, and showed it to him. She pointed out who each person was and did not hesitate to express how much they each meant to her. After Ashla put away the hollow-disc, Max no longer had a confused face, only a relived one, which intrigued Ashla.

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