Chapter 5 (Ashla)

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(13 and a-half year old Ashla, picture of her as a 13 and a half year old. Picture with purple hair, brown eyes, and the outfit below.)

Sabine and I are hanging out and painting on some of my extra clothes in our shared room when Hera comes in to our room.

"Common room in 5." Hera says, then disappears down the hall.

"Well I guess that gives us enough time to finish the jacket." I say as I grab some green spray paint.

"Yep! So what made you like this symbol so much?" Sabine asked.

"Oh! Um..... I guess it's just one of the only things that I have from my birth family. And I mean, its just something special that I don't want to forget." I explain to my 'space sister'.

After a moment of silence, Sabine finally spoke. "I never knew that it was that special to you."

I smile at Sabine for a moment, then quickly finish applying the green to the dragon on the back of my jacket.

I put the jacket on the back of a chair to dry, then Sabine and I head to the common room and sit down on the sofa, and see that where everyone else is waiting for us.

"So? What's the mission?" I ask, assuming that that's the reason we were all called here.

"And why do you think it's a mission Ash?" Ezra asks teasingly.

"Why else would we ALL be here? I quip back.

"Ok! Enough flirting you two!" Zeb suddenly says.

That makes Ezra and I's faces go bright red. I mean, ya, I like the blue haired boy and all, so when Ezra teases me like that, I just can't help myself! We normally tease each other like this and for some reason Zeb and Sabine like to tease us and say we are flirting.

"We are not flirting Zeb!!!" I shout while I attempt to hide my red face in my chest.

"Ya! Come on Zeb!!" Ezra shouts, his face still red as well.

Hera, who had had enough of the childish behavior, cleared her throat and spoke.

"Ok! That's enough! And Ashla is correct in assuming that we have a mission. Although it's just a simple supply run that Fulcrum has given us intel on......" Hera starts but was cut off by my com-link.

"Oops! Sorry guys!" I say as I check which one it was.

When I see that it was the one that I gave Max, I quickly silence it and ask Hera if I could take it outside.

"Um? Yes. We leave in three hours. If you are going somewhere Ash? Be back by then!" Hera says sternly.

I give a sharp nod, and run to my shared cabin, grab my personal items, and race outside and out of ears reach. I then make sure I have the com that Max and I share and see what he needs.

"Hey Ash? It's me. I really need to tell you something, and I think it needs to be in person. I'm not needed anywhere till tomorrow afternoon at three. Let me know when you get this." I hear Max say.

I then race towards the lake and contact Max.

"I got your message. I'm at the lake whenever you get here, but we are going to have to make it quick! Hera has a mission for us in three hours. I barley have enough time to meet you." I say.

I get a response almost immediately.

On my way!" I hear Max say through the com. as I see the portal open.

After a few seconds, I see Max fly through the portal and flop onto the ground. He just sits there for a second then starts to move. After he starts moving, I reach my hand out towards him to help him up. It takes him a moment to realize my hand is there, but when he does, he takes it thankfully.

You all good......?" I ask.

(Edit.... Sorry! You know what I changed!)

Just with the modifications that Sabine and Ashla made

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Just with the modifications that Sabine and Ashla made.

I only own my characters and the plot! I don't own anything or anyone else!

So what did everybody think?!?!
How do you think Ashla will react to Max's news?
Just so you know, Fulcrum right now is Ashoka.
Looking forward to writing the next chapter!!!
Will update as soon as I can!
Don't forget to vote!💜👑

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