Chapter 7 (Max/Ashla)

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(18 and a-half year old Max, 14 year old Ashla/Chase)

Max's POV

The Empire has 'encouraged' my parents to make a lot of changes over the past year and a-half. The only reason I have stayed around this long is because of my sister, Ashla, who in this world now goes by Chase. If the Empire found a purple haired girl that went by Ashla walking around, she wouldn't get two feet into the main building.

I am currently walking towards the Enchanted Lake, the one place where the Empires presence isn't known. Once I get there, I see a girl with long, rose gold hair that's tied back into a single French Braid, sitting on one of the rocks.

"You beat me here! Are you alone Chase?" I ask.

Chase closes the hollow-disc that's in her hands, which holds a picture of her other family and turns around, her brown eyes shining bright.

"Unless you count yourself, yes I'm alone." Chase cheekily replies.

"Oh haha! Your very funny sis!" I fake laugh with my sister, who is currently undercover as Chase Chess, a normal village girl.

"I know I am! So what did you find out?" Chase asks.

"The Empire has continued to influence Mom and Dad to do things that I know they wouldn't do. Now that they have look everywhere here for you, and haven't found you, they are planning on going to Lothal to look. It was the Empires idea, not sure why they would think you were there, even tho you were." I tell her.

"So because they haven't found me, they are now returning to Lothal. That's not good. The rebellion can't handle that many bucket-heads all at one time. I need to go and help them!" Chase says.

"But what about your mission here? You can't leave till Hera pulls you out, remember? Plus it wouldn't hurt to see you more. Your my sister after all." I reminded Chase.

"Gah! I know! I just know that if this happens they are going to need my help! And yea it would be nice to see you and our parents more. I just wish I could tell them who I was." Chase said sadly.

"Oh Ash....." I start, using her real name, but stop when I hear rustling behind some bushes.

"You came alone right? And weren't followed?" Chase asked in a whisper.

"I thought so? Hello! Who's there? Come out now by order of the future king!" I shout.

For a moment, the bushes stop rustling. Then some stormtroopers jump out of the bushes and start blasting at us! We quickly take cover behind some pillars and see that the portal has opened up. Seeing no other choice, I grab Chase's hand and we make a break for the open portal as soon as the shooting stops. Using her powers, Chase creates a forcefield to deflect any incoming blaster shots. We quickly make it to the portal, Chase takes my hand and I look back just in time to see my parents and sister run up and stare at us in complete shock. Myself, still shock they were even here, was then pulled into the portal by Chase, then it all went black.


Third POV

"MAX!!!" Mal yells as she watched her only son get pulled into a mysterious portal by the rose-gold haired girl.

The royal family ran towards the beautiful garden, which reminded Ben and Mal of the Enchanted Lake. However, by the time the family got there, the portal had closed and the two teenagers were gone.

"What was that? Where did they go Mom?" The 13 year old princess asked.

I...I have no idea. But I'm guessing the Empire will." Queen Mal answered her daughter.

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