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My eyes fluttered opened and felt someone's hand in mine. I looked at the person who had their hand in mine, it was Cas and he had some how tried to fit right next to me and fell asleep.

"Cas." I nudged him. He stirred. "Cas." I nudged him again and he woke up.

"J." Cas yawned.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Jewls!" He said happily "let me go get nurse Medusa."

"WAIT! WHAT!" I said in shock.

"What's wrong?" He asked with worry.

"I need to see Lord Death immediately. It's an emergency and don't get nurse Medusa." I told him.

"I'll call him." He said then doing that and I ripped out the ivy. If Medusa comes in here I have to prepared for a fight because Medusa is my mother. Lord Death doesn't know excatly who my mother is niether does anyone else. "He is on his way with Spirit and Professer Stien."

"Ok. I need you to be prepared to fight if Medusa comes in here." I told him.

"Why? She's a sweet lady." Cas asked amd I laughed.

"No she isn't Cas. She is my mother. My bitch of a mother who tried to put my brother on me." I said. Luckily I was still in the clothes from the fight. "Cas how long have I been out?"

"Twelve hours. I was afraid you weren't going to make it." Cas sighed. "Why do you want to see Lord Death anyway?".

"I have imformation on her next move." I smirked. "Thank you Crona. What happened to him anyway?"

"What Stien thinks is that the black blood rejected his body." Cas awnsered.

"Ragnorak hates him and always has so its nothing new. I just screwed up with Crona when I ran away I should have brought him with me but he was so young I didn't want him to have to live on the streets." I explained to him. Then the door opened and it was Lord Death, Stien and Spirit.

"Hiya Jewls good to see your better." Lord Death said.

"I'm just going to get straight to it. Crona told me the witch Medusa, who is the school's nurse and my mother is planning to release the Kishin from under the school on the night of the anniversary dance." I bluntly told him. "Now why in the hell do we have a Kishin under the school?"

"It's the first Kishin. My soul is bond to the city to make sure he doesn't get out which is the reason I can't leave." Lord Death told me.

"And I am just going to tell you this now. The only way you can permentaly kill my mother is with Genie hunter. If she is kiled by anything other one of her snakes will get away. Trust me I 'killed' her once." I sighed.

"If she is your mother why are you helpimg us?" Spirit asked.

"Take the worst person alive and make them a mother who happens to be my mother." I sighed. "She had both Crona and I kill a baby dragon and when we refused to do it she locked us away for about a day, without food or water. Crona almost died. One day I just got fed up and ran away but I screwed up and left Crona. Medusa used to test black blood experiments on both of us. Thta's why blood is the way it is. My brother was a failed experiment were I was a passing experiment she wanted to know if she coud do it again. To her we weren't children we were experiments. She never showed us any affection hell my life on the street was better tjan living with Medusa." Tears were going down my face and I didn't realise it. "You can't let her free the Kishin otherwise my dear Aunt Arcane who hasn't been seen in 800 years will come out and it won't be pretty. There will be a war and if you see my brother again don't kill him like I said back at the church only I can beat the shit out of my little brother. Mainly becuase I know all his weaknesses." I looked up to see Spirit crying, well so was I. Then the door opened. It was Liz, Patty and Kid.

To Hell and Back: A Soul Eater Fan Fic (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz