14: The Final Chapter

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Four weeks after wedding…………
Jewls POV

I am 12 weeks pregnant and Crow and I have buried the hatchet. Cas's brothers, the gang, Cas and I have been looking for my son Will, after four weeks we finally found him. He is in Sheffield, England. I've seen his arrest reports and his photo. He has been arrested many times on the count of drug possession, and two time for assault. He has blue hair that he must have dyed, my green eyes, he has a tattoo of a snake on his neck which I won't lie makes me nervous. He looks more like me than his father, then again who knew Ever's true form, he was a shapeshifter after all. That is where we are heading right now, with all of Cas's brothers and Crona and Crow. The thing with Crow is werid, him and Liz have been getting along pretty well and I am nervous with the fact we are immortal and she is not. He will be heartbroken when she dies of old age. We where sitting in a plane heading for Sheffield. Cas and I sat next to each other, Crow and Crona, Micheal and Rapheal, Gabriel and Lucifer were sitting next to each other as well.

"So any ideas for names?" Cas asked me as he put our intertwined hands on my stomach.

"How about if its a girl we name her Trinity and if its a boy we name him Jay." I smiled.

"I like them and how about the middle name for the girl name is Marie and if its a boy Parker." He smiled back.

"Trinity Marie Raye and Jay Parker Raye. I love it." I rested my head on his shoulder. "What if Will hates me and even if I do tell my side of the story it wonct be amy better becuase my side of the story is literally me killing him."

"To protect him from Medusa's expiraments." Cas said rubbing my back. Then I fell asleep.
Time skip brought to you by me adding arch angels into the mix

We found Will.

"Who are you?" Will asked as I approached him.

"William Heart Gorgon, I am your mother." I smiled at him.

"How? You look sixteen?" He asked in disbelief.

"Immortal, just like you, where do you think you got it from." I told him honestly.

"Then why did you abandon me?" He asked, pissed.

"becuase I thought you were dead. My mother Medusa Gorgon, who is now deceased. Paid a shapeshifer, who is your father, who is also deceased, to rape me becuase she wanted to know what a witch, kishin, shape shifter combo would be like. The result it was you. All she wanted to do was expirament on you so I 'killed' you, to protect you from her." I expained before he could ask any questions. He looked a little taken back from my explanation. "I only found out four weeks go that you were still alive and ever since then I have been looking for you, also doesn't help that Medusa had erased all my memories. I heard you were doing heroin. Son like mother, I guess."

"Your plan failed. Medusa expirmented on me, that is why I have the tattoo and don't start giving me a speech to stop doing drugs, I heard it enough from my ex girlfriend." Will sighed as he looked down.

"Not planning on it. It didn't work for me, I learned my lesson when I had an overdose and ended up in the hospital." I shrugged.

"What is your life like now?" He asked me.

"I just got married to the love of my life, who is my weapon and you have a sibling on the way." I smiled at him.

"I suppose you live in Death City?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"If I go to a rehab there, I was wondering if I could come back with you…….. Mom." He asked me.

"I just realised I never told you my name. It is Jewls Raye and of course you can, Will." I smiled happily. "Now you have alot of people to meet. Like you uncle Crona. Your Uncle slash great cousin, Crow and your Step dad, Cas. Who is an Archangel."

"Wait….why is Crow my uncle and great cousin?" Will asked.

"The Kishin Asura, my father, who is also dead, had a child with Medusa's sister." I shrugged.

"He got around." He stated.

"Exactly what I said." I chuckled. "My question is, do you have black blood?"

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Don't worry aboit it I have it too. Speaking of black blood, fair warning your uncle Crona has this thing on his back named Ragnorak. Your Uncle wasade with black blood and magic, which gave him a personality that grew on his back." I explained.

"I have werider family than I thought." He smirked. "I don't have much to pack up, I can be done tonight."

"Okay." I nodded. "Well we are in the hotel down the street in room 12 amd we are going to leave around noon tomorrow."

"Okay, i'll meet you at the hotel tomorrow morning." Will nodded.

"Oh and another fair warning your step uncles are the four archangels. Micheal, Lucifer, Rapheal and Gabriel." I warned him.

"Oh. Thats nice I guess." He shrugged.

"Yeah and believe it or not Lucifer is actually pretty nice." I sighed. "Well I better let you pack. I'll see you tomorrow Will."

"See you tomorrow Mom." He smiled. I walked down the street with a smile, a very big smile. When I got to the hotel room Cas was watching TV before I laid down on him.

"So what happened?" Cas asked me.

"He is coming with us back to Death City tomorrow and he even suggested going into rehab for a while." I smiled.

"That's great!" He smiled back. "So he didn't take the fact you tried to kill him so he wouldn't have to go through Medusa expiraments, personally?"

"Nope not at all." I smiled as I ran my finger through his soft brown hair.

"Good." He said then pulling me into a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.
Time skip
It has been 22 years. The child turned out to be a girl, who got along with everyone. The war between us and heaven came and gone and we won. Turns out Trinity was destined to make tbe world not break it. Will is sober and still going to AA meetings. Soul and Maka ended up together, and had a child named Jacob. Tsubaki and Blackstar had a fight. Liz and Crow ended up together amd it turns out Lord Death casted a spell on them and as long as they remain Kid's weapon's they are immortal. Patty became mature and ended up with Kid believe it or not. I became a teacher at the DWMA. Soul became a death Scythe and all was good in the world.


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