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Jewls POV
Maka and Kid insisted on throwing me a belayed birthday day party/ welcome home party once everything settled which it did. Right now Cas and I are in our apartment finally alone after being apart for three months and then no one letting us out of their sights for a whole week after we got engaged basically what I am saying is that we had sex and right now we are just holding each other. The party was in two hours becuase it started at 8 pm and it was 6pm right now.

"I missed this." Cas sighed as he plaued eith my hair.

"So did I. You know when people are in comas they dream, mine wasn't a nice dream t was more of a nightmare." I confessed.

"What was it about?" He asked me.

"The whole gang was just insulting me and so where you and Crona but then what woke me up from it was a blade on a table and that imp that is always in my head gave me a choice. Kill myself and end it all or go with him and kill my parents." I told him as I messed with the ring on my finger.

"I remember him, the one that always made you sing." He said, "but that is a pretty illogical dream since I would never insult you."

"I know, but I was in a very depressed state becuase of Medusa." I sighed. "Then I came back and it felt like my slate was wiped clean but I remember everything but it isn't bothering me."

"That's good, maybe it was that imp guy." Cas suggested.

"It could have." I shrugged. "I am just happy I don't have to worry about Medusa coming back for me this time and I am happy that you proposed to me, finally." I kissed his cheek. Then he planted his lips on mine and I kissed him back with a giggle. Then he pulled back.

"We should get ready we don't want Kid to kill us now do we?" Cas teased.

"You sir are a tease." I grinned at him.

"I know." He grinned. "But I am your tease."

"Now that is correct." I smiled as he got up and put some pants on, then I got up and threw Cas's long T-shirt on.

"See now your being the tease becuase you look better in my clothes than I do." He chuckled. "Kid also said it was casual attire but not that casual."

"I have to take a shower yet so it's temporary." I chuckled back as I walked into the attached bathroom that was next to his bed room and started the water.
Time Skip to party brought to you by Jewls and Cas's unconditional love for each other.
We made it to Kid's mansion perfectly on time and wd knocked on his door eight times to please our symmetrical obsessed friend. Kid opened the door with a smile.

"You know me so well." He smiled. "Well come on in." We walked inside of the mansion where pretty much the whole school was waiting.

"Happy belayed Birthday Jewls!" Everyone yelled.

"Thank you guys so much." I smiled as Maka came at me for a hug and I hugged her back.

"Your welcome Jewls. I know you might be thinking that we have better thing to celebrate but you are one of our friends so there is nothing better." Maka smiled as she pulled away.

"BOO!" Blackstar shouted behind me, I screamed then turned around and punched him in the face.

"Blackstar that is why you never try to scare Jewls and plus she make put ypu on top of the school again." Cas sighed, shaking his head.

"If you try amd scare me again you will end up on top of the school again." I warned. Then the doors to the mansion opened revealing four fimilar people. "Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel, Lucifer." I thought to my self. Cas turned around.

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