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Step Four: Reminiscing

"Axel! Charlie! It's been ages." Scott hollers, pulling both of them into a giant, warm hug.

Charlie chuckles. "It's good to see you too, Scott."

"My little boy and little girl have grown so old."

"Dad," Axel rolls his eyes. "It's only been, what, two months since we last met?"

"Still a long, long time," He retorts with a smile. "So what's up with you two visiting this old man? College got too boring?"

"College's alright," Charlie says. "We just wanted to come see you. It's been two months after all."

"I somehow feel that isn't true." He muses.

"I'll be inside." Charlie says, excusing herself and walking into the brightly painted one story house.

"Lynn and I broke up." Axel says, lowering his gaze to his shoes.

Scott walks to his son and wraps his large arms around him in another embrace, pulling his son close. He knew something was wrong as soon as he saw him. The bright glint in Axel's emerald eyes was now replaced with a somber shade of green.

"I never really liked that awful girl anyways." Scott says.

Axel chuckles. "You don't even know her."

"Well, she must be pretty menacing. My son is one of a kind." He replies, pulling away. "You know, Axel, the right people will come around at the right time. When you find your right person, always remember that they won't be perfect; and that's okay, because none of us are. Heartbreak is an experience. Live it, and don't let it trigger the thought that you won't find said right person."

A soft smile enlivens the rather forlorn look on Axel's face. "Thanks, dad."

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