Hanging with Big Brother.

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**Roxie POV**
After we got back to the hotel Shane was waiting for us. I hugged him scared to be alone. I heard him humming to calm me down. I was so scared after that attacked happened to me.

**Shane POV**
After my little sister hugged me, I just hummed knowing she us scared still. I sent Dad and our Sister up to deal with him. He scared her so badly that I had made sure Creations made the match happen. But I'm not the only one fighting him. I got Kalisto and Sin Cara with Cena, Hardy Boyz and the Brothers of Destruction in on the match. This time he will go down. I took her to our Sister's room and let Paige take her in while we guard the door.

**Stephanie POV**
I hugged her after what happened. This shouldn't have happened. I helped her to bed and she went to sleep. Shane got a match and it won't be nice. I don't blame him for the match. Nor does Dad.

**Vince POV**
I watched my Daughter's and son as they help Roxie though this.

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