My Treasure: Chapter 6

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Mari wakes up bedraggled and tired. Arthur wakes up next to her and notices her condition. "Mari, are you alright?" He asks concerned. Arthur reaches out and touches Mari's forehead. Her skin is burning, it's obvious she has a fever, and a high one at that. "Mari, lie down. I'll go get some blankets." Mari nods her head weakly and does what she is told. In the way of blankets, Arthur drags over the blanket from Mari's hammock, her cloak, and his coat.  He wraps her up and sits by the bedside, or is it hammock side, and holds her hand. 

Francis comes into the room later. "Ahem, Captain Kirkland?" Arthur turns his head at the mention of his name. "You're needed out on deck." Arthur looks from Francis, to Mari, then to Francis again. "But Mari's ill." Arthur looks up with pleading eyes. Francis sighs. "Captain, you're needed on deck. But I will find Jeb to look after Mari." Arthur nods.

Soon Jeb enters the small room with Francis. "Hey Miss Mari, how are you doing?" Jeb asks. Jeb ushers Francis and Arthur out of the room. "You two get to work now, I'll look after her." Francis and Arthur nod and leave. "I'm doing okay Jeb." Mari answers, she coughs into her arm. 

Later in the day, Francis enters the room. "Jeb, why don't you go and get something to eat and some rest. I'll look after Mari until Arthur gets back." Jeb nods and switches off with Francis. "Bonjour mon cher, how are you feeling?" Francis asks Mari. "Better now, thank you." Mari replies with a cough. 

Even later in the day, Arthur comes rushing into the room. He runs over to Mari and cradles her close. "He didn't touch you did he?" Arthur asks when he sees Francis in the room. Mari pushes Arthur off, "Francis has been very nice to me, haven't you Francis?" Francis nods. "Oui, Mari is a pleasure to look after." Arthur scowls slightly but lets the matter slip. "I'll leave you two alone." Francis slips out of the room. Arthur pulls Mari back into him and bombards her with questions. 

Mari is quickly annoyed by this. She stands up and pushes Arthur off again. "See, I'm fine." Arthur checks her temperature again. "Well that's fine... Open your mouth and stick your tongue out." Arthur looks at Mari's throat. "And you have no inflammation in your throat either. I'm not doctor, but you have a clean bill of health. So..." Arthur pulls Mari in and flicks her tongue back into her mouth with his own. He kisses her passionately until Mari struggles away. "What the hell!?" She exclaims. "Sorry, thought I'd try and get lucky." Arthur steps in for another kiss. This time Mari doesn't fight back. Arthur steps forward and they fall into his hammock.

Mari pulls off his hat and head band, she runs her fingers through his golden locks. Arthur snakes his arms around her waist and drags her closer to him. Mari unbuckles his sword belt and undoes his sash, she slides her hands in under his shirt. Arthur unbuttons his vest and shirt and tosses them aside, he lost his boots somewhere in the process. Mari runs her hands over his strong chest, she nuzzles Arthur's neck. Mari kisses and nibbles softly a tender spot on the side of his neck. Arthur moans softly and tugs off Mari's shirt, she's left in her small undershirt. She moves her lips from Arthur's neck to his collar and shoulders and winds her arms around his waist. Arthur growls from pleasure and tries to tug her pants down. "Not yet." Mari whispers in his ear. A little upset at being rejected, Arthur mollifies himself with hugging Mari's waist and resting his head on her chest. He yawns loudly. Mari ruffles his hair and kisses his forehead. "I think...I love you a lot more Mari..." Arthur says sleepily. Mari smiles at Arthur. "You too love..." Mari stifles a yawn so as not to wake Arthur. Soon, she herself is drifting asleep. 

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