My Treasure: Chapter 9

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Mari sat with the crew in the mess hall. Everyone was in high spirits, learning that the Red Sprite would reach its ultimate destination on this voyage on the morrow. Mari had brought her lute down with her, on the premise of playing a song she knew well. 

Mari plucked a few strings on her lute; it was all in tune. She cleared her throat and started playing. Mari's light voice was at first lost in the babble of the seamen's voices, but the room fell still as she continued with her song. It was the same tune Arthur had sang her that one night; the old seaman's love song. 

As Mari played she spied a red coat at the corner of her vision. She tilted her head so she could see Arthur fully. A light smile touched Mari's lips as she saw the pirate captain raise his sleeve to wipe glistening moisture from his eye.

Mari's agile fingers danced across the strings. All too soon, the song was at its end. She let the last note linger on into nothingness. The room around her was dead silent.

Arthur broke the spell with a commanding cough. "Shift change. Get on deck." He barked. 

Mari paused by Arthur on her way up. "Brings back memories doesn't it?"

"Some recent and others more distant." Arthur responded cryptically. Arthur took Mari's lute from her hands. "I'll stow this in your trunk, you'll not need it on deck." 

Mari scowled but found her way up to her high perch in the crow's nest.

[A/N]: Sorry this one was so short, but the next few chapters will be packed with action. Hold on until then~!

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