My Treasure: Chapter 7

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The Red Sprite was docked in the harbor of one of the small islands that littered the Caribbean. They were one week away from the remote island that hid the mystical treasure they were in search of. They docked that morning, and planned to leave the next. They had stopped for supplies and some much needed rest. Arthur had given the crew the day off, and he now sauntered through the streets with Mari on his arm. They had finished purchasing the supplies and arranged for them to be dropped off at the berth. 

Arthur had his arm around Mari's shoulders as he lead her through the streets and into town square. He was stopped by a short man in the livery of the mayor's house. "You! Yes, you seaman." The herald replied to Arthur's surprised look. "Give this letter to Captain Arthur Kirkland. The mayor would like one of the Queen's captains to attend his ball tonight. There's a shilling in it for you." The man handed Arthur a folded piece of parchment sealed with red wax and a shilling. "Yes sir. I'll get to it right away sir." Arthur said in his most humble voice. The man nodded then returned to his other duties.

Arthur's manner became confident once again. "Let's see here..." He said as he opened the letter. Mari stared at him confused. "Arthur, why did you let that man believe you were not a captain?" She asked, bewildered by Arthur's manner. "Well, I am one shilling richer, aren't I? And don't worry, not many people believe I'm a captain because of my age. It has it's benefits." Arthur's eyes scanned the letter. "Looks like I was invited to a ball tonight by that man." Arthur jerked is head to a rotund man near the fountain yelling mercilessly at poor peasants. "You aren't really going to do that, are you?" Mari asked. "I'd like to sack that man's coffers and give the gold to the poor of this town. They need it more than he does." Arthur lifted his eyes from the paper. "You're going to need a gown. And I'm obliged to go, visiting captains ave to go to balls when there is one in town. It's one of those kinds of rules. And we can do that this night if you like. The ball will provide an excellent distraction. And of course, my men will receive a share of the money. How about we split the money in half?" Mari nods her head. "That seems an adequate plan. But where do I find a gown?" She asks. "I saw a dress maker's sop as we were walking, come on." Arthur dragged Mari through town by the hand to the small shop.  

The door opened wit the tinkling of a little bell. An old woman was standing behind the counter. "Is there anything you need?" The old woman asked. "I'd love to help a pirate." She said with a twinkle in her eye. Arthur was a little taken aback by how quickly she discerned who he truly was. "Well um, yes. I'd like to have a gown made for my companion out of this material." Arthur fingered sea foam green colored cloth hanging on the wall. "And she'll need slippers as well." The old woman nodded and dragged Mari away to take her measurements. When she was done, she told Mari to sit on a stool and take off her boots. The old woman returned with a pair of slippers. "Oh my, you have large feet. Much larger than the dainty women I see today. Don't tell me, you're part of his crew, aren't you?" The old woman nodded her head to indicate Arthur, who was busy admiring a red bolt of cloth. Mari nodded her head. "Well lass, you have a good man. They're hard to come by these days." Mari blushed shyly. "Thank you." She said in a barely audible whisper. The old woman left and returned with a pair of larger slippers that matched the dress. "There, a pair that fits. I'll go see about that dress now." Arthur pays for the slippers and what he assumes the dress will cost. "The dress will need a few alterations. I'll stay here and carry them out. You go back to the ship and think up a plan." Arthur says to Mari. Mari nods quickly and runs off to the docks. 

Arthur returns later in the day to the ship with the finely made dress in hand. "Here." He tosses Mari the dress. "Now what's the plan?" Mari explains how at midnight they'll go looking for the coffers. The crew will be waiting hidden until the signal is given. Then, they'll sneak in through a window and pilfer the gold. No bloodshed, no problem. Arthur nods his head slowly. "Good plan. I'll go tell the crew. How's this for a signal?" Arthur whistles a lark call. "Francis and Jeb know it. They'll be in charge of the crew while we're away." Mari nods and Arthur leaves to inform the crew. 

My Treasureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें