Chapter 12

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Arthur crouched behind the leafy shrubbery just outside a large clearing where a monumental temple stood guard over the surrounding area. “This looks to be the place. Why are we here again Antonio?”

Antonio brought one well tanned and calloused hand to his face. “We are here to recover the artifact, estúpido. It’s in the center chamber of that temple, how many times have we gone through this?”

Arthur glowered and shoved the roll of parchment back into his belt. “Well excuse me, I was under the impression that our treasure was in a cave of some sort, not a giant temple probably filled with traps!”

“Well it’s not my problem if you’re too stupid to figure out a way in.” The Spaniard crossed his arms and wore a smug smile on his face.

“What did you say you bloody twat?!” Arthur reached down to his hip where his cutlass was sheathed.

Mari stepped between the arguing pirate captains before their fight reached into a full out brawl. “It is your problem Antonio; it’s all our problems…” Mari dropped down to the ground and started scrawling plans of attack in the dirt.

Jeb politely tapped her shoulder and drew the raven haired girl’s attention. “Miss Mari, why don’t we just walk in? There aren’t any guards, and I’m sure two worthy captains like those two can take care of any problems.” Jeb appealed to Arthur and Antonio’s almost narcissistic side; and it worked wonders.

The Englishman and the Spaniard ceased fire and perked up at the flattery. “Alright.” With their simultaneous response, the two sea captains pushed through the brush and strode purposefully towards the rough hewn stone temple.


Antonio combed a cobweb from his chocolate brown hair with a large frown. The five seafarers were cramped and clustered in a narrow passage way deep inside the primitive pantheon. Francis stood over Arthur’s shoulder with a smoldering torch. The bad tempered Brit shoved his map back into his coat and scowled at the Spanish man. “Stop whining, we’re almost there.”

As Arthur swiveled around to lead the group once again, a scraping of scales against stone rang through the tunnel. Mari stared wide eyed at the pack of snake-men armed with wickedly sharp stone headed spears. “Run…”


The five adventurers sprinted through the tunnels situated for the snake people’s slithering forms. The group broke through into a rectangular room dimly lit by bioluminescent fungi creeping over the walls. Mari nervously gnawed on her lower lip, there was no way out, they were trapped.

Arthur beat his fist against a section of the wall in fury. “Damn, I never thought I’d go out like this.”

Antonio groaned in despair and leaned against the far wall. “Dios mio. We better all start saying our prayers.” The Spanish pirate fell back with a surprised oath just as the first of the naga poured into the room.

With the agility of a much younger man, Jeb leaped across the room and herded the four younger sea-goers into the gap in the wall. “Go, I’ll keep them back.” Jeb turned his back to his companions and drew his short sword to make his final stand. “Goodbye Miss Mari, don’t have too much fun without me.”

Mari pounded her balled fists against the stone panel Francis had slid back into place moments ago. The dark haired fighter crumpled into a heap of strangled sobs. Wasting no time, Arthur hauled his second mate across his shoulders. “Don’t let Jebediah’s sacrifice be wasted. Let’s get a move on boys.” With a stiff upper lip only an Englishman could muster, Arthur literally carried along the group as the plunged farther into the abyss.

[A/N]: *chuckles awkwardly* Hehe… Sorry for lack of updating…. *runs away for fear of life*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2012 ⏰

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