My Treasure: Chapter 10

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Mari sat in the crow's nest, surveying the sparkling sea beyond. A lush green land mass appeared on the horizon. With the same sparkle as the sea in her gray eyes, Mari gave a long awaited call. "Land ho!!"

The ship below her was sent into a tizzy of movement. All the men aboard were on deck, even the reclusive Captain, who was currently shouting orders left and right. It seemed as if the hardened seamen all carried a smile on their faces, even the usually dour Captain Kirkland.

Mari returned to scanning the seas instead of her crew member's faces. Her sharp eyes caught a small bobbing movement to the ship's port [A/N: Port is left on a ship by the way]. A shadow crossed Mari's face as she lifted her arm to block the sun's rays. "A ship... Is that a ship?" As the object swam closer, Mari was able to pick out sails and the body of a huge and powerful vessel. It was definitely a ship. "Captain! Captain! Ship coming towards us on the port side!"

Arthur acknowledged Mari with a wave of his hand. Soon, he was up in the crow’s nest with Mari, a spyglass in hand. The crystal scope held to Arthur’s eye let him see the advancing danger. Scrawled across the side of the ship in fanciful writing were words Arthur has always dreaded to see. El Leon del Mar [A/N: That means “Lion of the Sea” in Spanish]. The spyglass clattered from Arthur’s hands and would have fallen to the deck below if Mari’s booted foot hadn’t stopped its rolling.

Arthur’s thick eyebrows furrowed together. “Antonio…” He set his hat more firmly on his head and buckled his sword tighter around his waist. Arthur bent down to snatch his spyglass from the floor of the crow’s nest then scrambled back down to the deck.

“All men to arms!!!” Arthur entered his cabin and held an armful of muskets. The other crew members ducked into the ship’s armory and selected their own weapons. A group of men were stationed below deck to operate the canons and supply the fighters above.

Mari dropped down from the crow’s nest and pushed her way through the swarming bodies to her Captain’s side. “Kirkland, what’s going on?”

Arthur calmly handed Mari a musket, passing the next gun to Francis. “Remember that Spanish pirate that’s been a thorn in my side for too long? That’s his ship; we’re going to do battle. You know how to use that, right?” Arthur nodded his head at the musket in Mari’s thin hands.

Mari scoffed. “Of course I do. No young lady’s tutorage would be complete without militia training.”

Arthur shot Mari a wicked grin before he turned to face the rest of his crew. “Lie in wait!” The Red Sprite became deathly silent, every person on board having hidden themselves from the oncoming ship.

Mari involuntarily shuddered at the unusual stillness of the air around her. A firm hand found its way onto her shoulder. “Ready?” Arthur mouthed. Antonio’s ship had its broadside facing Kirkland’s smaller vessel. A gleaming battle lust had found its way into Arthur’s emerald eyes. “Attack!!!” As soon as the Captain gave that long awaited order, a chorus of ringing battle cries sounded from the throats of the crew.

Mari sprang up to her knees. Shot after shot was fired from the barrel of the musket. Her aim was true, and every shot Mari fired went to no waste. Mari cast a glance in Arthur’s direction. The two captains of the competing vessels were locked in a duel on the deck of Antonio’s ship. Sparks flew as the steel of their blades crashed together again and again. A hungry grim was spread across Arthur’s face as he nimbly dodged each of the oncoming blows and sent his own in Antonio’s way.

Mari’s eyes widened in shock and horror as a man swung on a rope from high above and came crashing towards the two captains locked in mortal combat. It was too late to shout a warning. Antonio and Arthur were roughly broken apart by the clumsy man’s booted feet. The Spaniard was sent spinning back and crashed into the main mast. Mari’s Englishman wasn’t as lucky; Arthur’s arm careened in wide circles as he stumbled back against the railing. There was no way he was going to catch himself; he was already too far over.

Arthur’s shocked face disappeared over the edge of the boat as he splashed down into the briny water. He flailed his arms miserably, desperately trying to stay afloat. A musket clattered to the deck as Mari leaped overboard after Arthur.


The bright light glittered in Arthur’s eyes. Arthur squeezed his eyes shut to block the dazzling rays searing into his throbbing head. He could vaguely hear the lapping of waves and felt soft sand beneath his crumpled body. I must be dead…Death is so peaceful. I think I’d like to spend eternity here. Is this really where pirates go after they die? How strange…

Arthur let his body sink into the sand. Through his haze he ambiguously heard a light voice calling his name. Oh look, there are angels with me here too. How nice… The voice rose in its sharpness, now becoming a barking command rather than a soft beckoning.

“Arthur! Wake up, Arthur!” Arthur pressed his eyes shut tighter, trying to block the harsh voice. His head jerked to one side as a hard slap caressed his face. Another blow came in quick succession.

Groggily, Arthur sat up and held a hand to one smarting cheek. “Ow…” Slowly, he cracked open one viridian eye, then the other. Arthur’s sight was filled with an angel-like face. “Mari?” His blurry vision cleared, and low and behold, it was Mari’s graceful face before his eyes; though Mari’s visage was not one of a maiden wakening her lover from a long sleep.

Mari’s beautiful face was a mask of stoic emotionless. “Good, you’re up.” She stood and brushed the clinging sand from her still damp clothes. “You fell overboard and I saved you. The two ships are beached a ways down the shore. The good news is, we’re on the right island.” Mari held her hand out to Arthur. “Let’s go.”


Mari sighed as she watched Arthur and Antonio squabble like two little children. At least they weren’t fighting with swords anymore. Both their ships were beached not 100 yards apart, and it turned out they were searching for the same treasure.

A twittering laugh escaped Mari’s lips; she was fluent in the Spaniard’s language. Antonio certainly was good with insults; and it only made it more comical that Arthur didn’t understand a word of Spanish. However entertaining this was, truth be told, it was getting old.

Mari pushed between the two argumentative captains. “Listen boys, why don’t you work together to find this treasure? It will be much simpler than competing against each other for it. After it’s found, you can see who gets it with a duel. Agreed?”

“Your woman does make a good point.” Antonio shrugged his shoulders covered with a deep crimson coat with golden embroidery. “I’d be willing to follow her plan.” Mari was able to understand Antonio’s consent through his heavy Spanish accent.

Arthur growled and sot Mari a dark glare. “I could have figured that out myself.”

“So you are along with it?” Mari took Arthur’s sullen silence as a yes. “Well then, let’s get a move on.” 

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