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      I've never seen more people than the waves of humans currently crashing through the streets like a rogue tide that's lost its way to the ocean. Young mother's clutch their babies to their breasts as fathers everywhere try to find a non-busy path to the rocket center to better their chances of saving their loved ones with the luck of a spare seat or two on the ever ascending metal life rafts. They have a good reason for their chaos and rushing though. Our planet is going to die. At least that's what the people in the streets are shouting.

    Mama begged Papa to take us to join the others leaving, but he says we don't have the money for three tickets, let alone enough to start a new life on any of the safe zone planets, so we're staying behind with the other poor families.

    I stare out of my bedroom window and watch as the wierzen abandon their nests in the trees and dive below the surface of the ocean's dark waves and disappear from sight. Some people, thinking the large reptiles have the right idea, followed behind their disappearing tails with their aqua-equipped ships and box after box of life essential food. Papa says we'll wait out the danger underwater too as soon as he finishes packing the rest of the food. I can hear Mama downstairs crying and muttering something about faith and God, but I also catch some of my parent's words they forbid me from saying slipping out among the river of prayers.

    I don't understand why people want to leave. I think the sun is prettier when it's big. It's light is brighter and we can go outside without coats on for once. Over the last few days it's grown even larger and its surface looks like a swirled mess of red and oranges dancing around a bright white pool of light. The sounds outside are slowly silencing as the final rockets take off the turn into blurry lines streaking across the orange sky like a small child's finger painting would look.

    My family is one of the last on the surface. Papa thought there'd be more time, everyone did. Sweat drips down my forehead and pools around the collar of my shirt, leaving the fabric moist and uncomfortable. With every passing second, the temperature seems to only rise and the light only gets brighter. I can't help but stare in awe up at the swirling sky. How could people flee from such a beautiful sight?

    My admiration is cut short as Papa runs into my room and picks me up by my armpits, causing my shirt to rub painfully against my back.

He smiles and kisses my forehead, "Come on buddy, it's time to start our new life."

    I whimper in protest and stretch my arms out towards my window as he leans down and grabs my blankie and stuffed wierzen that lacks a button eye. With one last look over my shoulder, Papa sprints from my room and takes the stairs three at a time. All the bouncing causes my head to hurt and I hit his sweaty back with my tiny fist, which doesn't seem to do much. Papa simply shushes me and hands me off to Mama at the entrance to our shuttlecraft.

      With me in her arms, Mama makes her way to the front of the ship and sits me down on the passenger chair. It's scorching leather seats cling to my legs and burn my skin, causing me to mouth my opinions in the form of a sharp shriek.

    I pull my blankie tighter around me as I stare out the front window of the vessel and watch Mama and Papa rush around trying to put all our possessions in the back compartment. They insisted we only bring the most needed supplies like food and clothing, so my toys currently remain abandoned solemnly on the floor of my room with no one to play with them.

    A thump from the back of the ship signals to me that they have finished packing and soon Mama and Papa climb in and join me in the main control section. Papa starts the engine and the ship slowly comes to life with a loud groan and hovers a few feet over the ground. Mama looks at our house and a tear makes it's way down her cheek and plops solemnly onto the console as her hand slips into Papa's and they nod to each other as the thrusters control activator flashes across the screen and his free hand reaches up to firmly press the blue illuminated icon. He makes an arc design across the virtual map with his pointer finger and the ship follows the motion. Slowly the front of the ship turns to face the wide expanse of water that will soon be our home.

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