Chapter 10

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Finally getting back to working on this hunk of junk ;;;;


     With Adler finally out of the room, I let loose the breath I've been holding in and wince as my ribs shift painfully. One can only hold in pain for so long, and I've been holding it in for seventeen years. I'm practically an expert at this point.

     Closing my eyes briefly and holding my side with my hand, I stride out the door with my head held high and my back straight. In a place where survival has to be bought, you can't show weakness. Showing pain is showing weakness, and weakness is not tolerated down here.

     My feet carry me quickly out of the stables and towards my wierzen lounging in the light of a nearby street orb. When I get within ten feet, his head quickly lifts and cocks curiously to the side. Once I'm close enough I reach out and soothingly run my fingers across his newly cleaned cheek scales. They seem to radiate warmth and I can't help but take a second to press my hand against them and cherish the heat. The heat seems to travel up my arm and swirl strangely in my chest, as if its settling in a place its meant to be. A deep rumble in his throat breaks me out of my trance and I lower my gaze to peer into his solid blue bloodstained eyes. Even for being so scarred and ruined, they shine and hold expression.

     The corners of my lips turn up ever so slightly as I lean down and press my forehead softly against his. His brows seem to furrow out of confusion but quickly smooth down when I gently shush him and stroke his head crest. Joining in on the moment of affection, he bumps my foot with one of his large front claws and nuzzles my head.

     Moments like these can only last so long though, especially when a certain chemistry nerd shows up and coughs awkwardly behind you.

     I quickly swivel around to give him a blank look as he raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms.

"Put Kestrel in his pen. I'm taking you to the school's medic." He says with enough emphasis that I can tell its an order, not a suggestion. 

"I'm fine." I grumble back as I refuse to outwardly show the pain radiating from my wound.

     Raising a hand to stop me from continuing, he strides over and stands in front of me. "That may be, but you still need an extra bandage to take back to your room so that you can dress your wound on your own. God knows the poor nurses don't want to deal with you more than they have  to."

     Deciding to give up with arguing, whether it be out of pain or fatigue, I move past him and begin to confidently make my way to the looming gray building on the other side of the colony. Lights shine in the windows and join in the cheerful bright artificial light show that the people put on day after day to try to mimic the daylight they used to know. Unlike most of the sheep here, I don't value the florescence or try to bask in it like they do. It seems like a lie that they have all convinced themselves is truth. As my eyes land on one especially bright street orb, my lip lifts into a sneer and I blink away from its blinding light.

     Turning my head to the side to make sure Adler is keeping up, I notice that unconsciously he also seems to flinch from the fake glow. If you've seen the sun once in your life, the actual real sun in the sky that warms your cold body, it is harder to accept the lie that technology creates to replace it.

     We walk in silence.

     The streets buzz with energy as people run to and fro doing their jobs, taking care of their children, hanging out with friends, or just plain enjoying the day. With the students free from school due to the test that took place, they too join in the fun and slink around to find trouble wherever it may be. A group of snotty older kids that usually follow Ajax and worship the ground beneath his feet gather around a small table and let their laughter obnoxiously fill the air I'm trying to breath. They seem to be surely mourning their wounded leader. That's the way their group works though. Once one person is out, another just jumps in to fill their place.

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