Chapter 8

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Holy shit??? what is this??? Another chapter in one day??


     As Jonah's body lurches forwards and breaks through the air barrier, I launch myself off of the ground and swim up to my wierzen before latching onto his neck and nudging him forwards. Refusing to move, he back up and snorts bubbles indignantly at the command,

"Come on boy! Those men just went into a tunnel of wierzens that go crazy at the scent of blood! You need to move so we can go get help!" I scream to deaf ears as I kick him gently and try to get him to launch into the open waters.

"Move you fucking lump of reptile flesh!" I growl as I grab his sensory tendrils.

     Annoyed at my behavior, the wierzen plops angrily onto the stone and stretches out lazily on his stomach.

     Too stressed to try to get him to move any further, I give up and jump from his neck into the watery air. Plunging myself into the darkness, I start to swim in the direction I believe the colony is in. My breath comes in painful spurts due to the puncture marks in my side from the wierzen's claws, and it takes all of my energy to stretch out my arms and paddle onwards. I refuse to stop though. I continue on until I can no longer look over my shoulder and spot the lump of a reptile. My legs take over most of the work and push me onwards, allowing my arms to take a short break.

     Squinting my eyes, I swing my head around to try to catch a small shimmer of light, My luck, seeming to turn completely around, causes me to smile as a streak of white light comes into view in front of me. The ship has found me. My arm reaches out as I get ever closer to the glowing ship and a warm feeling builds in my stomach. As my glove presses against the surface of the ship though, I mentally slap myself and curse under my breath. Bubbles fill the water around my face and a fleshy pink tongue darts out to streak across my helmet. Stupid wierzens.

     I angrily pull myself onto his neck and nudge him to move forwards. This time he follows my command and weaves fluidly through the water in the direction I point him in. His large powerful tail sends us forwards as his winged arms flatten against his sides to reduce water resistance.

     Soon, a large cement platform, complete with a lit up elevator, comes into view and I maneuver my wierzen so he lands not so gracefully in the center. Within seconds I shimmy down his neck and make my way to the elevator. A sigh escapes my lips as I enter the safety of the air barrier and firmly press the down button.

     A familiar creaking sound reaches my ears and I force myself to stand tall instead of crumpling to the ground like my body urges me to do. I must remain strong so when I finally reach help, I won't break down midway during my explanation. The lights around me flicker as the doors open to allow my exit of the metal box. My boots thud loudly in the empty halls, but the sound seems to mingle with another as I step closer to the large cafeteria. Cautiously, I poke my head up to look through the small window, hoping to spot a teacher, or a group of people to help me.

     My eyes widen in surprise at the number of people seated inside. The entire colony seems to be crushed together at tables beneath a large sign that reads "Congratulations Ajax, Mark, and Hamnell" in bright neon letters. Too caught up in my mission, I choose to brush aside the fact that my name doesn't rest with the others.

     Placing my hands firmly on the door, I heave it open and march unsteadily to the center of the room. My dripping blood creates a colorful trail behind me as the people's gasps push me forwards and motivate me to find a familiar face. The loud squeak of a chair cute through the air, but I can't bring myself to turn around. All the events of today catch up to me and I let out an audible gasp. My legs buckle beneath me and as I hit the floor, my eyes squeeze shut to try to ease my pain. With every pump of my heart more blood leaks onto the floor, and the coughs that rack my body only cause the process to speed up.

     Through the agony I can faintly feel a hand placing itself against my rib cage and pressing down on the four large holes. A moan escapes my mouth and my body unconsciously tries to move away from the agonizing pain the pressure is causing. Voices speak above me and clash together to form a wordless hum that irritates my ears. Stars soon join the cluttered mess as they dance through my head and form sparkling lights that make me grow dizzier by the second. The dizziness helps though. Pain swirls away and is replaced by numbness, so I embrace the dizziness in hopes that it will make my misery all go away. The hand is no longer on me, or at least I can no longer feel it. I can't feel much of anything except for the constant beating of my heart. Its beats are slow and sluggish, and I concentrate on every mesmerizing thump that goes by. Surrounded by darkness, I feel a calmness that I've never had the pleasure of feeling, and I willingly succumb to its grasps.

     Right as my mind completely gives in though, a bright flash of white light fills my head. My thoughts, slack at first, come back to me as a sense of panic fills me at the realization that I really can't feel anything. Sadly, this panic ends as a mind numbing pain streaks across my body and my eyes forcefully fly open. Hands grasp at my upper body and hold me firmly against the floor as I slowly come to and gain an understanding as to what is happening. Large green eyes appear in front of my face and blur together before my eyesight clears back up and Adler's stern face comes into view. His lips are downturned and held in a permanent scowl that gives him the appearance of an angry parent. I pull my mouth into a crooked smile and turn my head away slightly. My head now rests uncomfortably against the floor as my helmet seems to have disappeared.

"I told you NOT to get yourself killed." He growls as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and lifts me into a sitting position.

     After the sudden stars that appeared at the movement go away, I lean my head against his shoulder for support and groan, "I didn't get killed though, dumbass. Only slightly maimed."

"Well, smartass, since you're still alive that means I can scold you nonstop for the next infinite years about how idiotic it was for you to face a wierzen with no weapons." He snaps back.

"I had a weapon. I just didn't use it." I mumble, feeling my eyelids growing heavy.

     Adler, taking notice to this, reaches down and puts pressure against an object on my thigh. The action has me quickly gritting my teeth and swearing under my breath. Now wide awake, I peer down at the pointed object attacking my thigh.

"Really Adler? A knife? In my thigh? I think I already have enough holes in my body at my moment." I bark, throwing my head back dramatically and closing my eyes.

"It was the only way to keep you from slipping into a coma. You were already out for twenty minutes as it was." He states as if its a fact that everyone should know.

"Well then maybe you shoulda just let me go into a coma in peace then, idiot." I groan in response.

"Nah, what's the fun in that?" He chuckles to try to ease the seriousness of the situation, but I still catch the nervousness behind it.

     Placing my hands firmly on the ground, I attempt to stand, but Adler's arm keeps me from going far as he holds me in place. The image of blue eyes flash in my mind as I peer into Adler's green ones angrily. Ajax. My mission jumps back into my head and I grasp at Adler's shirt. "Hamnell!"

     He strengthens his grip on me and stops my hands.

"We know. The rescue group contacted the building about ten minutes ago." He whispers in a defeated tone, refusing to make eye contact.

     My body stiffens in response and my limbs quickly grow tired at the tautness. Adler, picking up on my mood change, lets out a small laugh and, with great difficulty, helps me to my feet. He smiles in my direction and gently pulls me towards the door.

"Better get ya to the roof. That wierzen of yours has decided to post itself on the platform and refuses to let Ajax's ship land." He says as he yanks open the door with his free hand and leads me down the hall.

     I chuckle, "I know. He's an ass."

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