Chapter 6

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                All it takes is a few seconds for everything to go to absolute hell.

                Ajax fires at the large shadow on the ceiling causing it to release its hold on the rock and launch towards us. The markings on Ajax's wierzen glow bright in response as it bares its teeth at the approaching creature and prepares to attack.

                My mind turns sluggish and slow, not knowing if I should be fighting or flighting. Numbly, I fumble with my gun and shove it awkwardly back into its holster, causing it to stick out at a weird angle. Ajax continues firing at the wierzen, but the shock packets simply bounce off of its armor like scales. I can't tell if Ajax takes notice to this or not, but even if he does, that doesn't stop his attempted assault. The wierzen's begin to circle each other, daring the other to take a risk and lunge first. Creating a light show of whites in the darkness, they flash their markings in a taunting fashion. The muscles in the neck of Ajax's wierzen suddenly tense and my eyes widen as I grab onto Ajax's shoulder.

                The decision of who will attack first has just been decided, and it does not favor us in any way shape or form. Everything moves in slow motion as Ajax's wierzen spreads its wings and launches forwards with an explosive burst. My hand locks firmly onto Ajax's supply belt as we both are thrown backwards over the rump of the battling beast. As we tumble through the water I'm smacked heavily with the departing tail and I taste blood in my mouth as white spots dance in my vision.  I can't tell if they are the illuminated markings of the two clashing animals or if my head has just taken to hard of a hit. I blink my eyes and try to regain balance, but Ajax's flailing body is yanking my arm around and making it difficult to focus on anything.

                Screams echo through the earpiece and I can't tell if they are Ajax's or not, but as the blurry shape of Hamnell's wierzen comes rushing through the doorway, my suspicions turn to him. His wierzen whisks by us to join the fight, completely forgetting about the ride upon its neck. Bubbles foam in the direction of the battle and blood soon clouds the water.

                The screams of fear quickly transform into agonizing shrieks and Ajax stops twisting around as we can both peer over in the direction they're coming from. The wierzen's murky blue blood mixes with an ever growing red cloud, turning the water a sickening purple color that causes my stomach to lurch violently. My hand reaches up to press against the mouth piece on my helmet in horror as my opposite hand strengthens its grip on Ajax's tool belt. We stare in silence, unable to do anything to save Hamnell from being ripped apart. The shrieks die down as seconds tick by and are soon replaced by a sickening gurgling sound, which later dies down into silence.

                I swallow the lump in my throat and screw my eyes shut to try to force the food in my stomach to remain where it is. Bile burns in the throat and blood pounds in my ears, but involuntarily my body kicks into action and my legs begin to kick through the water. Opening my eyes, I urge myself towards where the door should be. Ajax seems to catch on as his body wakes up and his legs groggily begin to move to help in our efforts to escape. The large stone doorway comes into sight and grows in size as we near it, causing us to move faster out of determination. I let out a triumphant laugh and slam my feet onto the stone as soon as its close enough, they instantly magnetize to the hard surface and I let go of Ajax's belt. My feet carry me unsteadily through the door and my breathing becomes ragged as I break through the water's surface outside of the cave and move my arms around, enjoying the leeway the air gave my movements.

                I stumble awkwardly onto the dry surface of the tunnel, making as much space between me and the cave as possible. Pressing my back against the wall, I allow my body to slide to the floor so I can rest my head against my knees while I wait for Ajax. My eyes roam towards the water's surface as small ripples lap at the stone near my feet. The dark azure liquid blocks my light and I shift to try to see into the cave. A large ripple washes over the surface of the water and I scramble forwards to help Ajax onto the dry surface. His dark helmet appears above the surface, but instead of turning towards me, he lunges out of the water and tears down the hallway into the darkness.

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