Chapter 9

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Ahhh I'm not too happy with this chapter! But it contains important info so I can't just scrap it.


     The halls seem to be completely empty as Adler and I stumble in the direction of the elevator. My trail of blood from earlier remains in messy splatters on the concrete floors, and we attempt to avoid trodding in it with every step. Each step brings agonizing pain to my rib cage, and to keep from going insane I pick at the bandages wrapped securely from the top of my torso to my hips.  They itch as they dig into my shirtless chest and rub against my old scars. My hair, messy and undone from earlier, hands directly in front of my eyes and blocks most of my vision like a shaggy black curtain. The only way I can tell that we've reached the elevator is the sound of the loud doors when they close behind us and we stop walking. 

     From a bag slung over his shoulder, Adler produces a fresh aqua suit that he then helps me into. The only part of my old suit that remains are my faded blood covered boots that clang against the metal floor loudly as I step from foot to foot awkwardly. Holding me steady, Adler lowers a new helmet onto my head and locks it into place as i remove one of my gloves from my hand and take hold of a pressure stabilizer.

     Warmth surrounds my hand suddenly and my head snaps up. Adler's fingers wrap around my clenched fist and gently squeezes it.

"I'm glad you're alive. I may hate your fucking guts from almost dying, but I'd never want to lose my brother. Even though you are the worst brother in all of the solar system." He admits aloud as he releases my fist and awkwardly punches my shoulder.

     Not wanting to join in and make the sappy atmosphere even softer, I jokingly lift my heavy boot while he isn't paying attention and step directly on his foot, causing him to let out a surprised and pained yelp. The action causes his loving nature to quickly turn south into one of a devil, and he retaliates by delivering a swift kick to my kneecap. I let loose a yelp of my own and turn to shove him gently.

"You're a professor for God's sake Adler! Stop being so childish." I throw at him in a mocking tone while pouting my lips.

     He sticks out his tongue in response and crosses his arms like he used to as a small child when we would get into ridiculous fights over books and toys.

"You're an adult for God's sake Mekhi! Stop being so childish." He throws back using a lousy impression of my voice.

"Oh really? My voice doesn't sound like that! It is way deeper and sexier. Just ask all the ladies." I announce a little too loudly.

"Yeah... its as deep and sexual as a prepubescent boy's voice can be." He chuckles as my eyes narrow into slits.

"Yeah, well y-" I begin but get suddenly cut off as the doors slide open and Adler takes the opportunity to gracefully shove me out into the open.

     As I go tumbling through the air barrier and careen through the water, I look back to see Adler laughing his ass off. Showing off my favorite finger, I balance myself and connect my boots with the solid ground. All laughter has left my system as my eyes lock onto the large reptile that has its head pointed in my direction with its crest standing on end threateningly. A flashing to my right has me ripping my gaze away from my large pet though to stare at a ship hovering a few meters away from the landing platform. Its headlights blink as a way to to tell me to hurry up, and knowing Ajax, he's probably awake and terrorizing the ship's crew by now. Giving them a quick thumbs-up, I turn back to the wierzen and begin my approach.

     With every step he becomes more tense, and it shows itself through his intense body language. Sensory tendrils thrash around as curved teeth flash from behind pink gums. His markings soon kick in and join the show, making it into a dance of bright lights and mesmerizing movements. The dance in hypnotizing in a way as the dangerous creature turns into one of beauty. White lights glimmer in synchronization and cyan splatter glitter in my headlight, causing the beast to stand out in the darkness. His large wings stretch outwards to make him look bigger as his tail whips around and I finally get a feel for how large he actually is in comparison to my own size.

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