Chapter 5

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Warning: contains mentions of self harm. If you don't like that don't read once Nessa calls Emily to her room. :)

After I get off the roof I walk back inside and see the guys at the table. I walk up behind Paul who has a new chocolate chip muffin in his hand. I reach out and grab it.
"Dude that's mine give it back" Paul says.
"Mine now Pauly" I say and kiss his cheek then

Time skip brought to you by vampire speed.

I go upstairs and eat my muffin then get dressed. I look in my closet to find my camera so I can go take some pictures. Then I see something I really don't wanna see. My razor blade. I grab it and sit on my bed. It has some dried blood on it.
"Emily" I yell downstairs "can you come here for a minute"
"Coming" she yells back.
She opens my door.
"Everything alright Nessa?" Em asks.
"No not really I need to tell you something" I say and look down.
"What is it?"
"Don't tell anyone especially Sam"
"I won't I promise"
I grab my razor blade from under my pillow and hand it to her.
"Nessa" she say quietly "when, why"
"Over the last few months and because I was depressed after dad died. That's why I came here" I wisper trying to hold back tears.
"Oh sweetie" Em says and hugs me. And I let the tears fall.
"Is there anything else that pushed you to do this?"
"People at my old school told me to die cause I'm not worth it" I say and sob.
"Honey of course you are worth it. I love you, Sam loves you, Paul loves you, your mom loves you, alot of people love you. You can't throw it all away just because someone at school said that no one loves you because there are alot of people who love you" Emily says
"Thanks Em" I say
"Of course" she says "wanna tell Sam yourself or should I?"
" do we have to tell him" I ask
"Yes, wen don't have to tell him today but we should tell him soon" she says .
"Okay" I say

Sam's P.O.V
The girls have been up sirs for around 45 minutes. I feel like I should go check on them. But then again that would be eve's dropping and I don't do that. But I'm really concerned. I mean it's my sister. So I slowly walk upstairs and put my ear to her door.
"Can you get rid of it for me" I hear Nessa say. Get rid of what?
"Of course I can" Em says.
"Thanks" Nessa says.
"Now to cheer you up do you want to asks the guys if we can go cliff diving? You could probably get some great photos." Emily says.
"Sure" Nessa says. I back away from the door. What did Nessa want Emily to get rid of walk into the bathroom and splash some water on my face. Trying to get my mind of things and hear Nessa and Emily walk down stairs.

Vanessa P.O.V

After the talk with Emily I feel a lot happier knowing that someone is gonna be here to help me through this.
"Did you enjoy MY MUFFIN" Paul says.
"Yes did you enjoy the kiss on the cheek I gave you" I say.
"Yes in fact I did" Paul says. I laugh.
"So guys do you wanna go cliff diving? I promised my friend some pictures of the scenery and the guys in LA Push" I say
"Yes but this time you aren't gonna dive after what you did last time." Jared says.
"It was funny!"
"It was not. I thought I lost my Imprint the day I found her" Paul says
"And I thought I lost my sister the day I got her back" Sam says as he comes into the kitchen.
"Come on guys it was a joke" I say
"LET'S GO" Paul yells and the boys run through the door and I get my camera for some pictures then walk out the door with Emily.

Sam's little sister ( a Paul Lahote love story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now