Chapter 6

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We make it to the cliffs and the guys start jumping and I start taking pictures. Paul is the next one in line to jump. But I give camera to Emily an walk over to him.
"Paul" I say
"Yea Nessa" he says
"Can you show me your wold form?" I say.
"Sure come on" he says. He takes my hand and walks me into the woods. He goes behind a tree and I hear him shift. Out form behind that tree comes a beautiful wolf.

 Out form behind that tree comes a beautiful wolf

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I slowly approach the wolf. I know it's Paul but he has been known to lose his temper easily. I reach my hand out. Paul licks it.
"EWW Paul that's so gross" I say and wipe my hand on my jeans.
Paul approaches me and lays down I sit beside him and pat his head. I run my hand through his fur.
"You are a beautiful wolf you know that Paul" I say. And he wolf smiles. "You should probably change back before they wonder where we are" he nods and walks behind the tree and changes back again.
"You like my wolf form hey" he says sitting down beside me.
"Yea" I say. I'm embarrassed so I look away, blushing a lot.
"Hey Nessa there's something on your face" he says and I look at him.
"What" I ask.
"This" he says. And he kisses me.
I feel electricity. No fireworks when he kisses me. I can't believe my first kiss is with Paul Lahote the boy who I have had a crush on since 3rd grade. He kisses me with love and passion. After like 2 minutes we pull away for air. It occurs to me that I have never told him how I felt.
"You know I have been waiting for that since 3rd grade" I say but immediately regret it.
"You have?" Paul says.
"Yea" I mumble.
"Vanessa Uley. I have loved you since the day I met you..." he starts and I am just on shock" will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend??" Paul finishes. I'm in so much shock that I can't even answer him. So I just rapidly nod my head
"I'll take that as a yes" he says
"Yes" I say and pull him in for another kiss. After a bit. He pulls away.
"We should really get going" Paul says.
"Okay" I say. Paul gets up. Giving me his hand. I take and he pulls me up. And we walk back to the beach hand in hand.

Paul's P.O.V
"Where were you too?" Sam asks us.
"I forgot to put sunscreen on and I didn't wanna walk there alone so Paul came with me" Nessa says.
"Then why are you holding hands?" He asks. We quickly let go.
"No reason" I say and walk away. Nessa already told me she doesn't want anyone to know yet. And I'm okay with it.
"Dude where did you go you missed Jared try to do a back flip and fail" Jacob says
"I went back to the house with Nessa for a few minutes" I say
"OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH" the guys yell "Sam is gonna kill you" Jared says
"Shut Up" I yell at them and run of the cliff"

Vanessa P.O.V

I go and sit next to Emily and Leah with a smile on my face.
"Dude what happend why are you smiling like an idiot?" Leah asks me.
"No reason" I say in a happy voice.
"Dude you are acting like the amity from divergent" Emily says.
"Okay promise not to tell the guys" I say.
"Yea" they say in unison.
"Okay" I get up and go in between them.
"Paul kissed me and now he is my boyfriend" I wisper just enough for them to hear.
"HOLY SUGER HONEY ICED TEA" Emily says and me an Leah look at her oddly.
"What I don't swear " she says and we nod.
"Anyway congrats" Leah says
"Thanks, but don't tell anyone because Paul and I have decided to keep it on the down low for a while" I say.
"Of course we won't say a word" Emily says.
Leah wispers something in my ear the Emily then we all nod.
We slowly pack up are stuff and walk back to the house. When we get  there i go upsairs and grab my silly string. Whild leah and emily fill water balloons i grab my mega phone and walk down stairs where leash and Emily have water balloons. Then we call Sam.

"Hello?" He says
"Tell the guys to shut up and put us on speaker phone" I say
"Okay?" He says then we here him yell
"guys come here and shut up" we wait a few moments. Then yell
"Last one home doesn't get chicken wings" and we hang up laughing. This ain't gonna take long. We get into our passions Leah and Emily on either side if the door with water balloons and me with silly string. After about 2 minutes the door swings open to have the entire pack standing there.
"ATTACK" I scream and start spraying while Leah and Emily throw water balloons. The guys start screaming like little girls.
Once we are out us girls are dieing laughing.
"Why Nessa" Paul says
"This is why" I say
And i grab the mega phone an walk up to Sam.
"POINT NESSA!!!!" I scream.
"Oww Mother fucker" Sam says holding his ears.
"LANGUAGE" Em yells into the mega phone.
"Oww okay god damn" Sam says.
"Ready to give up yet big brother" I say to Sam.
"Nope not yet" he says
"First one to 5 points?" I say
"First one to 5 points he says and shakes my hand.
"So where is the food" Quil asks
"Oh you get it once you boys clean this up" Emily says
"WHAT" the guys say in unison
" no way this is your mess you clean it up" Jared says.
"Yea" Guys say in unison
"Fine" Emily says and grabs her purse.
"We will go out to dinner and you boys can fend for your selves" Leah says and we all walk out the door. We get in Sam's truck and drive to Port Angeles.

Sam's little sister ( a Paul Lahote love story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now