Chapter 11

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Me and Paul get back to the house and walk in like nothing happened. Paul knows I don't want Sam to know so he just keeps quiet.
"Hey Nessa" Sam says
"Yea" I say
"Where did you go earlier" Sam asks
"I went for a run because I didn't wanna face the Cullen's after" I say
"Oh okay" Sam says. I walk down stairs and put on my boxing gloves. I take out my anger here sometimes and other times I just work out which I what I'm doing now. After about 10 minutes Paul comes down stairs.
"What you doing" he asks sitting on the couch
"Working out problem" I say
"Yea your shaking the entire house" he says
"Good for me" I snap then punch harder. Paul shrugs
"DINNER!!" Emily yells. I take off my gloves and grab Paul's hand. We walk upstairs into the kitchen. I let go of Paul's hand and grab a plate. Emily made burgers. I grab 2 buns and put mayo ketchup cheese tomato and lettuce on them then put the burger on. Adding more cheese and some bacon. Then the too bun. I grab some chips and I secretly grab a mudslide (an alcoholic drink irl) and pour it into a glass. Hoping Sam doesn't smell it. I sit in the opposite side of the table then Sam. And start eating. I have eaten both burgers in about 5 minutes. I drink the entire mudslide out of the cup.i got to get another one when my phone dings. I get a text from one of my old friends that live in LA push. Her name is Rebecca. She's Jacobs sister. I call her Bex
Bex💖💖: Bro party @ my place 930 byob xx
Me:I'll be there
"SAM!" I yell
"WHAT!" He yells back
"FINE BUT YOU HAVE PATROL AT 3 SO BE HOME BY 230" Sam yells. I run upstairs and put on a leather skater skirt with a gold chain belt. Black ripped  tights and a pack shirt that comes off my shoulders. Along with black combat boots. I run downstairs through the living room. But I get stopped by Sam.
"You look a little dressed up for going to a friend's house" Sam says crossing his arms.
"Yea so what" i say putting my hands on my hips
"Where are you really going?" He asks
"I'm going to Bex's house" I say
" I have a sneaking suspicion that Rebecca is having a party" he says
"Yea so what if she is" I say
"If she is your not going" he says
"But you already said yes" I say.
"I changed my mind" he says
"Let me gooooooo" I whine
"Ha I got you to say yes I can go" I squeal then run out the door.
"Wait what" he says
"Bye Sammy" I squeal. I grab the motorcycle that I got from Jake. Then ride into town to get alcohol.
I pull up tho the liquor store and there is a bunch if guys outside. I get off my bike and put my arms around two of them.
"Hey guys. You know I could really go for some beer but I'm only 17. Do one of you pretty boys think you could get some for me" I say in a seductive voice.
"Sure I would love to get some beer for a pretty girl like you" a guy says pinching my ass.
"Thanks" I go sit on my bike as the guys goes inside. 5 minutes later he comes out with an 24 of mgd and a 30 ounce bottle of cherry whiskey. He hands it to me I put it under my seat in my bike then get back on.
"Thanks boys" I say then drive off.
I know I shouldn't really do that but I wanted alcohol. I get to Rebecca's and knock on the door with out the alcohol. When she opens it she say that her dad and Jake weren't home. So I grab the beer and cherry whiskey and bring it inside. Tonight is gonna be fun.

Sam's little sister ( a Paul Lahote love story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now