(I) The Dance

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Sunday/July 24, 1988/Mayfair, London, England

The Dorchester hotel

"You have 28 new messages."

Message#1: Hi, baby, I miss you. Obviously, it's Jissel. You better know who this is. Um, just give me a call back when you get a chance. I just wanted to make sure you got to London okay. Miss you, papi. Bye.

Message#2: Hola, baby. It's me again. I just wanted to ask you how does Denmark sound? I would love to meet you in Italy but I don't know if I can wait until September to see you. I'm going loca over here. Alright, let me know.

Message#9: Hi, Prince. It's, uh, Kim Basinger here. I hope your European tour is kicking off great for you. Again, it was wonderful seeing you in New York. I just wanted to tell you I'll be going down to Minnesota when you bring the tour to the states so ... Hopefully, you and I can have some time together again. You can call me back at my house whenever if you still have my number. I'm not leaving it on this answering machine (laughs). Alright, have a good one.

Message#11: Hi, honey. It's Nahla. I hope your trip to London is a lovely one. I forgot to tell you when we were in Paris that I definitely plan on seeing the show again when you go to Rotterdam. I wish I could see you there in London but you know ... Work. Anyway, I love you and have a good run. Bye, baby.

Message#12: Heyyyy ... It's your bestest friend Rita. You're probably not even in London yet but I'm about to be all over your answering machine because I didn't get to finish my point the other night. What-I-was-saying-was it will ruin the great mystery between our friendship. I do appreciate you not watching the documentary and again, I'm not insecure, but I just don't want things to change. Seeing you would be like ... It'll mess me up. It'll be like reality punching me in the eye. But, I'll definitely come around to it. Byeeee. Call me later.

Message#18: Oh, my God, baby. I know you're in London by now. My wonderful Mtv buddies in Europe told me! Check your damn messages! Ugh, I hate when you do this. I told you, first thing you need to do when you get to your suite is check your messages because you know how I get when we don't talk for long. I miss you, Princey. Please, call me.

Message#22: Ugh, baby. It's Jissel again. Steve told me you checked in before you went to soundcheck. Does the hotel phone not blink when you have new messages? Even just a quick hello will do me good. Just freaking call me back. You're definitely in trouble, Mister.

Message#25: Hey, it's Nahla. So, I was thinking I can meet you in Sweden and then travel with you until we get to Rotterdam. But call me so I can figure this all out. I know you sometimes go to soundcheck before your hotel so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. I already know you're definitely in London by now. You're so hard to get to when I let you out of my sight. (Sighs) I'll see you. Hope you're behaving.

Message#27: Princetopher... It's Kat. Just wanted to check on you and say sorry again for missing the opening in Paris. And don't listen to Jerome or whoever. It had nothing to do with Nahla being there. Something came up with work. I missed the small window of opportunity I had. Sorryyy. I love you, honey. Happy touring! Bye.

Message#28: Princey! Call me, damnit! I need to book these flights! Denmark or no?!

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