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January, 1991 

     Audubon Road. So often I've ended up there in my dreams, no car in sight, almost as if I just walked from London to Chanhassen. In the distance, Paisley Park is always there waiting, white and immaculate as I left it. So then I'd start my stride towards the building, the wind pushing hard against me. But the need to reach the glass doors gnaws at me like hunger so I keep on. If there's rain, snow, or a tornado up ahead, I fight through it all. But no matter how many steps I take—I never reach it.

It was the smallest squeal that woke me. Peeking, I saw my eyes staring back at me. The little beauty who fell asleep on my chest was wide awake. "Hi," I greeted with a smile, and she happily returned one, trying to hold her little bobble head up as long as she can at two months. With my hand supporting her back, I sat up on the leather couch. I was down in the cloned studio Lula built for me.

New music was always on the agenda, but Da-Da couldn't whip 'em out like he used to. To my right, London and Paisley were both sprawled out on the play-mat sleeping, colorful foam blocks surrounding them. They clearly tired themselves out as usual, and fell asleep with London's arm across Paisley's back. "Well," I sighed to their baby sister, "should we try this again?" And my little Natalee softly cooed her suggestion. "Yeah?" I kissed her nose and she then curled her tiny fingers over my bottom lip. "Daddy needs to cut your little nails."

The sudden sound of the door caught our attention and Lula peeked her head into the room. "Can I bother?" And since she wasn't scowling for once, I invited her in. "I found this in your office." A piece of paper was handed to me. "That's it?" It was my personal guest list for our wedding.

"What do you mean that's it?" I snickered, Natalee bobbing her head and reaching for the paper.

"Is it finished? We need to get going on the invitations."

"Yes, that's it."

Lula palmed her hip. "Prince Rogers, what is it going to look like when there's 20 people on your side and over 100 on mine?"

I only shrugged and let Natalee ball the corners of the paper. "Your list looks like an attendance sheet for the 1991 Oscars." She didn't looked amused. "I'm saying, this is supposed to be something intimate."

"I never had the opportunity of a wedding like you did."

"And I didn't have 200 people at my wedding," I defended.

"Well sorry I know so many people," she smirked, not drawing an impression my way either. "I want to share my wedding day with all my friends."

"Friends or clients?"

Lula threw herself on the couch next to me and stole the paper from Natalee. "You know so many people," my fiancé reasoned, flattening her hand over the crinkles. "Half of your closer colleagues aren't on here. I don't even see your sisters' names."

"That's because I have no clue where she is."

"No, I mean all of your sisters. And your brothers. And your friends, like Sheila or Wendy and Lisa, and—Kat."

Raising my eyebrows, I questioned her point.

"You two talk all the time. Why is she not at least on this list?"

"Because I'm inviting people that I actually want there."

"Did she mention not wanting to come? Because I find that awkward being that she forced you to attend her wedding. Or is she upset that we never showed up until the reception? Which you refused to even-"

"No," I cut in. "I just don't want her there." I moved from my seat, taking Natalee with me across the room towards the sitting cup of water on the table.

"Is there a particular reason?"

It was too warm to consider refreshing but it at least helped with the sudden dryness that coated my throat.


Moving my mini-me on my hip, I turned back towards Lula. "Yes?"

"Are you two fighting?"

"No," I said, pushing out something short of a laugh. "What the hell would we have to fight over?"

"I don't know," and she kinda laughed too. "But I want her and Richie to come."


"Why not?" On a few occasions, Lula walked in on me having a conversation with Kat on speaker. She'd ask how she and Richie was doing and then they'd talk for a bit. And now she wanted her at our wedding. But I didn't. 

Lula still waited for an answer but I didn't have one, so I turned my attention elsewhere near the control board. My hand froze over the equipment, and my mind was going, and I swear it felt like Lula was over there invading my every thought.

She stood and came to me, kissed Natalee's cheek then mine. "It's okay. I understand."

I didn't look at her, I just let her take the baby. Natalee wasn't happy about the switch but Lula continued to carry the whining child to the door. It wasn't going to help me get anything done because there was still two little ones across the room slated to wake any moment. But Lula could never handle more than one at a time, and I learned a while ago not to bitch about it.

"I keep forgetting we're both just compromising."

"What?" I asked, turning towards the door.

"I wouldn't want Daniel watching me marry another either." After a hard swallow, her eyes fell away to the floor. "At least you have a choice." And after that, she shut the door. That's all she said. But it was enough.   

End of Book 4


For the next part of this story, find "The Beautiful Aftermath" in my Works.

Thank you for reading!

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