Chapter Six

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I woke up with a slight pain in my ribs but it wasn't anything that could affect not having any fun today. Becky and Bean are still sleeping the the teenagers they are and Keithie was by my side waiting for me to wake up.

"Morning." I say to him and he looks up at me.

"Morning Lex. How you feeling?" He asks me with a smile.

"I'm great. What are we doing today today?" I ask him.

He tells me that we were just hanging around the Lake House which I liked more than going out. Today was our last day here and I had really enjoyed it despite everything that had happened in the last two days.

I get up out of bed and shoo Keithie out so I could get changed. I take out a white crop top, a mint green skater skirt and a pair of white Vans. I tie my hair into a high ponytail and I pick up my phone from my bedside table.

I leave my room and join everyone minus Becky and Bean in the main room downstairs. Everyone is eating breakfast so I take a plate and sit down next to Cassidy.

"Alexa, Ryan and Luke are coming today so your dad and I are leaving to help their parents unpack." My mom tells me as I start to eat. I swallow the food in my mouth before answering.

"Ryan and Luke, from England? Why would you be helping them unpack?" I ask her.

"I thought I told you, they decided to move here to New England so they can be closer to family here." My mom tells me.

I was excited that they were coming but I was shocked that I didn't get told. Cassidy looks to me with that look that she gets every now and then.

"Wait, Ryan Adams? The guy you told me about?"

"Yup. The English guy that used to visit twice every year." I tell her and everyone laughs, we all continue to talk and stuff like that.

As we leave the house to go down to lake Cass stops me and whispers something into my ear. I smile at what she says with a nod.

"Is Ryan cute?"

"Why don't you see for yourself." I say to her as I see my friends come out of their car. "Guys, these are my cousins, Ryan and Luke."

"Woah, he's hot." Cass whispers.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself missus." I laugh and her cheeks glow a shade of pink.

I walk up to the two boys and give them a quick hug each before introducing them to my friends. My parents then leave with theirs to help them unpack and they join us by the lake.

While at the lake I see Nath drag Harley away behind the house. I excuse myself before following them. Where were they going and why together? I follow them deep into the woods before hiding behind a tree when they stop.

I stay behind the tree for a few minutes just watching they talk and laugh. It all seems to be going normal and then I see them both lean in for a kiss as if they were a couple. I was devastated and so annoyed at them both. I take a picture of the two and run back to the Lake with tears in my eyes.

I rush straight to Keithie and run into his chest. By now I was sobbing and making his shirt wet. Everyone stops what they are doing to look at me.

"Alexa, what happened?" Keithie asks me making me look at him. Should I tell him about Harley? I need to.

"Nath was cheating on me this entire time." I tell him and he hugs me again instantly. I hear everyone gasp and drop any stones they were holding.

"Don't worry Lexa, I'll help you through this." Keithie tells me and I look up at him with a sad smile. He wipes my teary eyes.

"Keithie, he cheated on me... with Harley. She's also cheating on you." I tell him and he looks at me with a similar expression to mine.

"Are you sure? How d'you know?" He asks me and I show him the picture I had taken. As if nothing happened Harley and Nath come back to the edge of the lake. Everyone looks at them with really annoyed faces.

"What happened here?" Nath asked as he walked over.

"You cheating son of a. How could you?" Ryan said as he approached Nath looking angry. Oh no.  "Alexa deserves someone so much better than you, someone like Keithie."

"Ryan stop. He's not worth it." I shout at him before turning to Nath. "We're over, don't you dare think about coming home with Cass and I."

"I cant believe I was ever friends with you." Cassidy screams into his face with pure outrage. "Ryan, Luke, let me show you to your rooms. Ryan, I need to talk to you." She whispers the last part into Ryan's ear before leaving.

The argument continues for well into an hour. There are words thrown back and forth between everyone that I really didn't want to be a part of. I end up running from all of the commotion to Keithie and I's spot to escape from everything today had become. After a good fifteen minutes I see Keithie run up to our spot to. Probably to look for me.

"Hey." He says to me as he jumps up into the rock. "Some day huh?"

"Tell me about it. After everything was going so well I guess I was just hoping to have a good last day, and then it all turned to shi..." Keithie gives me the look and I quickly change the word I was going to say. "Shiz, it turned to shiz."

"Well done missus. I also broke up with Harley." He tells me and I look up at him.

"Keithie, you didn't need to..." I try to tell him but he cuts me off.

"I did it for a reason. I never loved Harley, I always loved someone else." He tells me as he makes me look up at him.

"Who did you love?" I ask him but he cuts me off again by pulling me into a kiss.

"I always liked you, even if I was dating her. You are my everything and I want you to be mine." He tells me when we pull away. I was lost for words.

"I will be yours, a thousand times over." I tell him with a smile. He smiles back with a his cute eyes I had loved for so many years.

I already knew that Keithie was so much better than Nath. I had always known, but now that I could finally call him mine I was beyond happy. I thought it was impossible to be cheered up, but he defined the laws of emotion and achieved just that. And boy did I love him for it.

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