46 ~ Telling the boys

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Jasmines POV
Today we tell the boys that I am pregnant. I'm kinda nervous but I know they'll support us no matter what.

Jonah got them all a shirt that said "soon to be uncle" on the front. I thought it was a cute way to tell them. So I put them all in a small gift box.

We decided to make a BBQ today so I'll give them their gift when they're all together in the backyard.

That's what the plan is. For now I grabbed some clothes so I can change after I shower. Jonah was already showered and was now changing.

I got out and put on some shorts and a white top.

My belly isn't noticeable yet which is a good thing

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My belly isn't noticeable yet which is a good thing.

Jonahs POV
I changed into an all black outfit which isn't a surprise because all of us boys always were all black.

Today is the day we tell the boys that jasmine is pregnant. Now that the day is here I'm getting more nervous. Jasmine put the shirts I bought for them in gift boxes. I think they're going to be shocked once they see what the shirts say.
I think after telling the boys today I'm going to tell my family tomorrow. I just don't want my parents to be upset with me or Jasmine. They have met her over facetime but not in person. Once her due date is closer I will invite my family to fly out here to LA for her baby shower so they can meet her.

Also the boys family will be invited as well and a few friends of ours. I feel bad that Jasmine doesn't have any friends of her own. Maybe she can become good friends with corbyn's girlfriend Christina when he flies her out here.

For now it's just Jasmine, the boys and I.

Jasmine and I walk downstairs and into the backyard where all the boys are. I helped her carry the boxes. "Hey guys!" Daniel yells out. "What are those boxes for." Zach says as he sees us carry them.
"They are for you guys, Jasmine and I wanted to give you guys a little something." I say looking at Jasmine with a smile.

"Aw I wonder what it could be." Corbyn says.
"Well all of you gotta sit down so you can find out." Jasmine says

They all sit down and we hand them each their box according to their size that we labeled at the bottom.
"Do not open them yet until we say so, go it?" I say.
"Ugh fine." Jack says.

Jasmines POV
"OKAY OPEN" Jonah and I yell out.

The boys took out their shirts all at the same time and unfolded them so they can read what they say.

"WAIT WHAT." they all yelled out looking at Jonah and I with confused faces. We both smile to them and I say "well what do you guys think of being soon to be uncles."

"No way you're pregnant?" Corbyn says.
"Yes I am." I say with a smile. I pulled out the ultrasound picture and show them. They all run up to me and huddle around looking at it.

At this point they all believe me and gave me and Jonah a big group hug. I started to tear up because they were all happy for us.

"Congrats bro." They all say to Jonah. "I'm happy for you guys." Corbyn says giving Jonah and I another hug. "Thank you guys so much." I say to all of them.

"Jonah and I didn't know how you guys would take the news but I'm happy you guys are excited for us." I say.

"We're here for both of you guys no matter what." Daniel says

After they all settled down I talked to them about how I'm only one month and that my due date would be in July. They all started to tease Jonah by calling him daddy which made me laugh.

Jonahs POV
I'm glad the boys are happy for us. They all were wearing their shirts. I told them not to post anything on social media because we still want to keep it all a surprise until Jasmine starts to show.

The fans are the ones I'm worried about because I don't want them to call Jasmine any names that might bring her down. She doesn't need that especially now that she's pregnant.

The only thing that matters right now is being happy and enjoy this time with everyone.

We were making hamburgers so I helped out the boys.
Jasmine set the table.
Everyone ate and we stayed outside watching the sun set.

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