75 ~ I do

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"I, Jonah, take you, Jasmins, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

I, Jasmine, take you, Jonah, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Third person POV
After the vows Jonah put the ring on Jasmine's finger and Jasmine put the ring on Jonah's finger.

"You may know kiss the bride"

Jonah leans in to kiss Jasmine. Everyone claps and cheers for how happy they are for them. They walk down hand in hand.
They couldn't be happier to be married to each other.

Everybody went to a beautiful venue to celebrate that was all decorated.

Everybody went to a beautiful venue to celebrate that was all decorated

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There was music blasting, people dancing. The newly weds had their first dance and it was beautiful. Jonah dedicated the song 'Say you won't let go' by James Arthur to Jasmine. He sang it to her and everyone was in awe. She couldn't help but cry as Jonah was singing to her.

After a while Jasmine decided to throw her bouquet into the crowed of girl.

"1,2,3." She said an threw it over her head behind her. The girls all screamed trying to grab it. Jasmine turned around and sae that Corbyn's sister Ashley had caught it and was waving it around.

When Corbyn saw that his sister had the bouquet he covered his face with his hand and shook his head. They all laughed.
Next it was time for Jonah to take the garter off of Jasmine's leg.
once he did that all the guys were crowded behind him ready to catch it once he threw it.

"1,2......3" Jonah said and then the garter. He turned around to see that Logan was the one who caught it.
"Ya boy is next to get married." he said.

After dancing the whole night it was time to end the party. Everyone left back the venue. The boys went back to their house and their families went to their hotels. Jonah's mom volunteered to take Juliana with her that way him and Jasmine could enjoy some time alone as newly weds.

They both had got a hotel room for the night. They relaxed and took a romantic bath with the lights dim, candles lit and flower petals all on the floor and in the bath. After that things might have gotten a little heated.


Love at first sight ~ Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now