47 ~ Jonahs family

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Jasmines POV
I woke up cuddled up next to Jonah who was awake staring at me. "Goodmorning baby." He said. "Goodmorning." I say leaning in kissing him on the lips.

We both layed in bed for a while longer until I got out to take a shower. I grabbed a dress that I was going to wear today and went into the bathroom but before I could close the door Jonah stopped it from closing. "Mind if I join." he says with a smirk on his face. "Not at all, come on it." I say.

Jonah got out once he finished showering and I stayed inside the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and started to touch my belly. I can't wait to see how huge it will get. The stretch marks I'll get and all the sick days will be worth carrying this little blessing inside of me.

Jonahs POV
Once I changed I decided I would facetime my family and tell them the news. I know for sure my sisters will be excited to be aunts.
I'll wait till Jasmine comes out so I can call them. In the mean time I texted my sister Esther telling her to be with my mom and my other sister svea when I facetime them.

Jasmine walks out of the bathroom looking beautiful in the dress she's wearing.

"Woah baby you look absolutely beautiful in that dress, I love it

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"Woah baby you look absolutely beautiful in that dress, I love it." I say. "Well thank you." she says twirling around. I laugh.

"You want to facetime my family now so we can tell them?" I ask Jasmine. "Yea let's do it." she says. She sat next to me and I got my phone and started to facetime my sister Esther.

"HEY JONAH." my sister say. "Hi honey, hi jasmine, how are you guys." my mom says to us. "We're doing good mom." I say. "How are you guys" Jasmine says to both my sisters and my mom. "Oh you know just missing Jonah." says my mom.
"I hope you come visit soon." Svea says.
"I will soon but Jasmine and I have some exciting news to tell you guys." I say.

"Well two days ago Jonah and I found out that I am... PREGNANT." Jasmine says.

"IM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!" my mom yells out jumping around crying tears of joy.
My sisters are also jumping around then they go to hug my mom trying to calm her down a bit.
"Congratulations, I'm so happy for you both." mom says.

"Thank you, I love you all so much." I say blowing them a kiss through the screen.
"We'll make sure you guys flight out here for the baby shower" Jasmine says.
"We Can't wait." Esther says.

We say our goodbyes and then hang up. That went better than I expected. My mom's reaction was priceless.

Jasmine's POV
"I love your family so much I can't wait to meet them in person." I say to Jonah.
"I can't wait for you to meet them too." Jonah says bringing me into a hug.

Now that the boys and Jonah's family know, the fans are the only ones left to tell. We figured we would tell them later on. The rest of the boys already told their family and they all congratulated Jonah and I.

For the rest of the day Jonah and I just hung out with the boys and went to grab some lunch. Then came back home and relaxed in the living room watching a movie with everyone.

Love at first sight ~ Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now